An Apple a Day...Keeps The Children at Play | The Odyssey Online
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An Apple a Day...Keeps The Children at Play

Fun times abound at SkyTop Orchard

An Apple a Day...Keeps The Children at Play
Creative Commons

When my daughter was small, every October, as fall ushered in cooler temperatures, the crispness in the air brought an excitement of activities that happen only that time of year. Hay bailing made for the prospect of hayrides with hot apple cider served just before, along with hot fried apple pies and caramel apples. On an early weekday morning, we'd pile in the car and meet up with friends and head up to SkyTop Orchard in Flat Rock, North Carolina. After choosing a wagon to haul the smaller "Yunguns" in, you can choose what size container you want before you head out to the trees to pick your apples. To me, this was part of what made being a kid in the mountains the best childhood ever! While the moms did most of the apple picking, the kids had tons of running room to play and chase each other, weaving around and through all the apple trees, staying within hollering distance, of course. Naturally, a few had to be coaxed down from the trees, which was off limits due to possible damage to the trees, or to the little bodies that could fall out of them! SkyTop Orchard boasts many varieties of apples, some of which come in as late as November, and some that you will not find in any store. Our family favorite was the Jonagold, a cross between a Jonathan and golden delicious, and made not only a great snack, but the best apple sauce ever! The kids could enjoy a bit of a history lesson, running together in the great outdoors enjoying the fresh autumn air and warm sunshine, and even freshly made apple cider donuts. SkyTop offers field trips where the kids can visit a barnyard with all the typical farm animals such as geese, goats, chickens, and even peacocks. You can watch fresh cider being made from an apple press. I don't know who had more fun, the kids or the parents.

Once the day at the orchard was done, it was time to head downtown for some ice cream, and then home for a rest. By the time Lindsey was up from a nap, mom (me) had sliced the apples and prepared half for apple sauce, and packed the others up in a cool place for just grabbing and eating. Part of the apple sauce was spooned out into two baking dishes and prepared for apple butter. The only thing better than apple butter on a warm biscuit is the smell that ruminates through the house while the apple butter mixture is baking in the oven (apples, vinegar, cinnamon, and brown sugar). Our daughter still says that memories of that fragrance is what fall is to her, even more than the beautiful leaves and deep blue of the fall sky, and cool air.

October is a great time to visit apple orchards as many of the great varieties are getting just right, and the days are warm and balmy, but the crispness of the air has replaced the humid summer heaviness. It is my belief that every childhood should hold memories of mornings spent running and playing beneath the trees within the beautiful orchards, enjoying the fruit of the season, friends, and the fresh air. Sipping cider and enjoying all the festivities offered, and then returning home and creating yummy reminders of the day are well-held treasures that will be remembered throughout life. Be warned though, once you have visited an orchard and exposed the kids to the kind of fun only found in the great outdoors, and they have a taste of the yummy offerings there, you will probably have to make it a yearly fall event.

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