Amy Sherman-Palladino, Can We Talk?
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Amy Sherman-Palladino, Can We Talk?


Amy Sherman-Palladino, Can We Talk?

Anyone who clicked on this post better have seen all four Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life episodes. If you haven't, LEAVE. We have things to discuss and I would hate to ruin anything for anyone. I will let Amy do that for you. I am writing this blog because I do not know what to feel and I do not know what to think. I was expecting this revival to bring me clarification. I was hoping that it would ease my mind, but I am left with displeasure. If Gilmore Girls is close to your heart, I am sure you have mutual disturbances. So, let's lay it all out and ask Amy a few questions along the way, shall we?

1. The Paul Discussion: Who? Pete?

Rory, what the actual hell? That is a great summary question, right? So, Rory stays with a boy for two years that she hates being around and finds excruciatingly boring? Why, Amy!?Also, why is Rory still cheating? Did she not learn from the time she slept with her married ex-boyfriend and broke up his marriage? Is she still only thinking of herself? Poor Paul. Poor Lindsay.

2. The Logan Discussion: Dynasty Rules?

Ah, the cheater and the cheater. That's right. You made them both cheaters. Way to go, Amy. It's hard to like Logan when he is cheating on his fiancé with Rory. (And why does he look that good?????? I'm trying to stay mad, but look at him.)

I know that Rory and Logan love each other. And yes, Rory did turn down Logan's proposal in the first place, but that was a long time ago. Have they not matured? Can they not stand up for what they want now? Why does it have to be this way? And who the heck is this Odette? Does Logan like her at all? Why do we never see the two of them interact?
Lastly, whenever Rory asks him if he is really going to marry Odette, (you know during the extravagant, thrilling, and romantic Life and Death Brigade outing), what is up with Logan's answer? "That's the dynastic plan?" Wrong answer Logan. Take control of your life and stop doing what Dad says.

3. The Luke and Lorelei Discussion: It's About Time

I am going to start by saying that I am so relieved and just plain happy to know they have been together for all this time. But what is new with the two of them? They have many communication problems and have not once talked about kids in all of those years together? And Amy, why did it take them this dang long to finally get married? Don't get me wrong, the wedding scene was one of my favorites and was absolutely beautiful, but that finger should have had a rock a while ago. I just thought they would be more than "booty buddies" by now and have a kid or two of their own. (Did you like my Emily reference? Let's talk about her next.)

4. The Emily Discussion: Hard Head, Soft Heart?

Emily Gilmore has become somewhat rational? Good job, Amy. I loved seeing a more friendly side to Emily. She actually kept a maid...and the maid's entire family. This is Emily Gilmore we are talking about. She took in a family that does not even speak English and is surprisingly not bothered by any of it. She quit the DAR in such ruthless way. she put a TV in the living room, and she moved to a more accommodating house. Since Richard's death, she has shown such progress in her life. Who knew that heartbreak and the losing of her 50-year partner could show her a new side to herself?

It was also weirdly comforting to see that she can still be irrational and hot tempered sometimes. That is in most cases at least. The time she yelled at Lorelei and said, "You blow through life like a natural disaster, knocking down everything and everyone in your path," was not one of those times. That was hard to watch. Speaking of, Amy, let's talk about all of the times you made me cry.

5. The Waterworks Discussion: I cried. A lot.

Amy, you certainly did not manage to make a single one of these episodes bearable. I can confidently say that I teared up at least four times in every episode. My hardest cries were the following:

Emily and Lorelei's Fight (mentioned in #4)
Richard's funeral (RIP. Amy did a great job of respecting his memory throughout the show. I had to have a good pause before resuming the episode after this scene.)
Rory and Lorelei's fight about the book (at the cemetery)
Logan and Rory's "Goodbye" (..with the hat, and mental picture, and key returning...too much, too much)
Lorelei's phone call to Emily about her favorite Richard memory (Oh my, ginormous sobs)

That was a list of my waterfall cries. I did not mention the many single tears that dropped down my face during the show. That list would be absurd. I can honestly say that I do not trust you if you did not cry in every one of the episodes--unless you have no heart--then I understand.

6. The Jess Discussion

He is so in love with Rory. He always has been. Help. I know he told Luke otherwise, but come on. You can see it when he was about to walk away, but he stopped to see her face through the window. Not to mention that he has grown up so much. He is the one who seems to get Rory back on track and inspire her. He knows who Rory is and how to motivate her. He really has it together. Amy, stop breaking my heart. Give the boy some love. Speaking of boys who need love, let's talk about Christopher.

7. The Christopher Discussion: He needs a woman

Christopher is sad. You can tell he is sad. Give him a woman, Amy! All he ever wanted was to be with Lorelei and Rory. He has matured and needs love. Lorelei is not right for him, but someone is. As far as we know, he is living alone and working. That's it. We need more.

8. The Last Words Discussion: Um, what?

Are you freaking kidding me? I am not okay with how things ended. I refuse to believe that is the end. However, this does explain her trip to see Christopher. It is evident now that her question for "her book" was actually about the decision she was about to make. She asked him whether or not it was right that he let Lorelei raise Rory by herself. Was she asking because that's what she might do with her baby as well? Was she hoping Christopher would say that he should have stayed? Is Logan really Rory's Christopher? Is Rory going to let Logan help raise the baby? Is she going to do it by herself? Is Logan still going to marry Odette? It is Logan's right? Of course, it is. So, WHAT NOW?

I have so many things that I would love to take up with Amy, but I could only say one thing, it would be this: Please let there be a Rory spin-off or something. There has to be. You have sent us on an emotional roller-coaster and it can not end this way. Rory never grew up. Even in your revival, she is living an aimless/reckless life. I want to watch her get it together. I want to see her really working. I want to see her pick and stick with a guy. I want to see her being faithful and not careless. I want to see her making beneficial decisions. And I want to see her as a mother.

That's all I have right now. Fellow pissed off Gilmore Girl fans, I have two questions to ask you if you share this.
1. Just how angry are you?
2. Which discussion # would you nag Amy about the most? / Do you have one that I did not address?

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