Alpha Phi Alpha Raising Money For Prostate Cancer | The Odyssey Online
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Alpha Phi Alpha Raising Money For Prostate Cancer

Alpha Phi Alpha Raising Money For Prostate Cancer

In 2014, an estimated 233,000 new cases of individuals diagnosed with prostate cancer are expected. Roughly 29,480 men are expected to die of this disease. In an effort to raise awareness and in honor of National Prostate Health Awareness Month, one fraternity is stepping up on campus and stepping out into the community. 

Alpha Phi Alpha is hosting three events this month to raise funds and awareness of the second leading cause of cancer in American men: prostate cancer. They have created a platform from this vision titled “No Man Fights Alone.” This title derives from our efforts to diminish the lack of awareness and support for predominantly male cancers. 

"Ironically, we felt that 'Men of Alpha' should spearhead the aid for the strong-willed 'Alpha Male' that is suffering from this disease day by day,” Undre Phillips, External Affairs Vice President said. 

Throughout September, Alpha Phi Alpha brothers will sell blue wristbands that feature the inspirational words, “Survivor, Strength, Faith, and Hope” in the Ferguson Center during lunch hours. With a certain monetary donation, students can attend the next social event that benefits the “No Man Fights Alone” campaign free of charge. 

On September 29, Alpha Phi Alpha will host a campus wide “Pints for Prostates” night sponsored by “Give Back Days” of Glory Bound.  Glory Bound will have drink specials for students that are of age. A percentage of all of the customers’ checks on the day will benefit the cause. 

On September 30 at 6:30 p.m., there will be a community-wide forum at Plum Grove Baptist Church giving men in the Tuscaloosa community insight regarding prostate cancer, such as information on cancer prevention, treatments and human resources. Professional doctors from DCH Regional Medical Center and officials of the Tuscaloosa branch of the American Cancer Society will be in attendance. 

The Alphas are passionate about making a difference on campus. Last year by partnering with various fraternities on campus, pink light bulbs were placed on front porches of fraternity houses as a visual of illuminating the awareness of breast cancer. This year, in honor of the “No Man Fights Alone” campaign, the brothers plan to fixate blue light bulbs in honor of prostate cancer.

“Alpha Phi Alpha will have a limited supply and reserve for any fraternity that would like to support. The lights (Phillips Blue CFL) can be found at Home Depot,” Phillips said. 

Through targeting the Greek community and involving the entire student body with an innovative way for the campus to give back, the Alphas hope to enlighten students with their ability to serve others. With this particular outlet for students, the brothers hope to inform and ignite the minds of individuals in a way that is long-term and beneficial on a personal level. 

The pre-planning of the philanthropy events has allowed the brothers to become knowledgeable of the disease, as well as come together through acts of service. 

“African-American men are 65% more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than Caucasian-Americans, and are more than twice as likely to die from it. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. is formed with great black male leaders on campus and the community. Therefore this is a prime opportunity for the Kappa Alpha Chapter to be advocates to serve the African-American men in Tuscaloosa,” Phillips said.     

If you would like to support the “No Man Fights Alone” initiative, contact President Ryan Coleman (, our Social Chair Myles Ward (, or External Affairs VP Undre Phillips ( 

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