Alabama Senate Race Reveals Disturbing Ideas From Supporters Of Moore
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Alabama Senate Race Reveals Disturbing Ideas From Supporters Of Moore

Doug Jones beat Roy Moore for the Senate seat, but Moore fans are still trying to defend him.

Alabama Senate Race Reveals Disturbing Ideas From Supporters Of Moore
The Daily Beast

Roy Moore has been in the headlines quite often these past few weeks over sexual allegations against him by several women, some of them only teenagers at the time. Once these stories came out, Moore responded to them by saying that he never went out with anyone "that he didn't have permission from their mother" already, and he at first remembered two women's' names who came forward but then retracted that statement days later. These allegations came out as Moore was running for a Senate seat for the Republican party in Alabama, and multiple powerful Republicans, like John McCain and Mitt Romney, urged Moore to drop out of the race, though President Donald Trump supported Moore.

Moore did not drop out of the race and instead tried to deflect as many of the allegations as he possibly could. However, on December 12th, his adversary, Doug Jones, ended up winning the Senate seat for the Democratic party. Despite him winning, Moore refused to concede and said that the race is not over. But, the Alabama GOP was not going to wait for Moore to finally admit defeat and agreed with the outcome of the election.

The aftermath of Moore losing has been at times disturbing. After the allegations came out, many Alabama voters said that they still supported Moore because of a slew of different reasons. Among them, supporters said that they believed it was just a smear campaign against Moore, and the women that had come forward had been paid. Those mindsets have not changed either.

The allegations in question are from several women, most under the age of eighteen when Moore approached them. The first story to come out was published in the Washington Post, and it was about Leigh Corfman who said that Moore initiated sexual contact with her when she was just 14 years old. Other women have described Moore asking them out on dates, asking them for their phone numbers, kissing them aggressively after the dates if they did go out together and all the while, Moore was in his thirties. People from the community even knew about it because he used to wander around the football games and mall, most likely in search for young, vulnerable girls.

NowThis Politics's Facebook page has released a video with multiple Moore supporters talking about how they support him despite the sexual allegations against him. The speakers in the video are ordinary people, and the first speaker in the video says, "Who cares if he dated teenagers? I dated teenagers when I was thirty."

One man says, "Forty years ago in Alabama, there's a lot of mamas and daddies that would be thrilled their fourteen-year-old was getting hit on by a district attorney."

This comment is probably not altogether false, but it doesn't matter. A relationship between a thirty-year-old person and a fourteen-year-old child is inherently inappropriate and wrong. The reason why older people start relationships with children is most often because of the power dynamic. Moore would be the most powerful person in the relationship because he is older, stronger, and trying to work off the idea that young women will be flattered if an older man finds them attractive. They will want to please the older person because their immature mind tells them that this person must find something special about them. In truth, they don't. What they see is a vulnerable young girl who is not going to fight back and is going to be more than willing to engage in sexual conduct with an older person because they do not know any better. They don't understand that this person is using them.

Many supporters of Moore are trying to sweep the allegations under the rug by saying that it was so long ago. It was forty years ago in the southern state of Alabama where apparently everything was allowed, including the manipulation and seduction of underage girls. This apathetic mindset to what people have done in the past is very distressing because not only does it ignore the very serious concerns of people who have been assaulted by Moore, but it also perpetuates this idea of allowing people to live normal lives after they have done awful things. Just because it was forty years ago does not mean that Moore is not a child molester today. Just because it was forty years ago does not mean that Moore is not a sexual predator today. Once one has committed such a heinous crime, the crime does not disappear with age.

The most interesting comment of support in the video was by a woman. She said, "It's like being a mom. You don't want to see your children bullied. You go after the bully."

The reporter asking the question responds with, "He's older than a child. And he's being accused of going after children."

As he is saying this, the woman keeps saying, "Right," meaning that she is agreeing with what the reporter is saying. She has said such an ironic statement of protecting poor Roy Moore, the child in this scenario, from the bullies, the people who have brought allegations forward and the press who are asking questions. But that completely sums up Moore's supporters' viewpoints. They see Moore as being unjustly attacked and that all of this is just a sham, a smear campaign to try to get Jones into the Senate seat. If that was the case, all of those people coming forward sure did plan forty years ahead with their evidence, such as Moore congratulating them on graduating with a card and telling their friends about the encounters.

Even though Democrat Doug Jones has won the election for the Senate seat, Moore's supporters' comments have a lot of people shaking their heads and wondering how these people could possibly support a sexual predator.

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