What You Have To Do After Your Wedding Ceremony: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly | The Odyssey Online
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What You Have To Do After Your Wedding Ceremony: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

A practical guide in GIFs.

What You Have To Do After Your Wedding Ceremony: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Congratulations, you’ve bought the dress, you’ve walked down the aisle, and you’ve gotten married. Time to party like 99% of the source of stress in your life for the past several months has suddenly been lifted off your shoulders by doves.

I’m sure the after party was killer and the honeymoon was great, but it’s your first day home together and now what?

Maybe you go to brunch. IHOP? Local diner? You order the waffles with extra butter. Your husband orders pancakes with extra syrup. You get in a small fight about which one is better and then make up quickly, but try to civil, people.

After that, you should definitely NOT immediately bug your photographer about the wedding photos. But a bit of light stalking is fine.

You guess you should get a head start on those wedding present thank you cards. You try to remember who gave you what, but end up using vague phrases like “kitchen accessory.”

Now you’ve decided to resell your dress; maybe there were some regrets.

Hooray! It got sold right away.

Now what are you going to do with that dress money? You’ve seen some pretty cute Pomeranian videos on Facebook. Today happens to be Treat Yo Self 2018, so why not.

Oh yeah! You almost forgot you wanted to change your last name.

You get your paperwork together and your ducks in a row. Now, you must wait. First you wait at Social Security…

Then the DMV…

Then you wait at the mailbox for your new driver’s license. You can’t buy alcohol with a temporary!

Now you’re looking for excuses to get out of jury duty because you got summoned after changing your name on your driver’s license.

Time to go back to your job at the office. No need to dress too fancy, at least you still have your wedding manicure working for you.

You get a LOT of congratulations at work. Maybe you should have practiced your modestly pleased smile in the mirror beforehand.

You get home to discover your new Pomeranian has gotten loose.

Now there’s a mess on the laminate floor. Curse that deceptive coat of fluff!

Yay! Your wedding photos came. You decide to make a scrapbook because it’s more personal and it’ll give you an excuse to stare at the photos for a long period of time.

Wow you’ve been busy recently. Don’t forget to get more sleep!

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