9 Essential Things To Make Your Road Trip Perfect
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9 Essential Things To Make Your Road Trip Perfect

A need for the upcoming summer season.

9 Essential Things To Make Your Road Trip Perfect
Sarah Dooley

As I struggle to think of an idea for this article, I am digging through the mental lists of potential topics I have made. All this thinking made me realize, as I am decked out with my laptop, earbuds, and some crackers in the passenger seat of a brand- new Chevy Cruise Hatchback, that the idea is looming over my head. What makes the perfect road trip? Summer, the season of road tripping is coming fast, and I’ve got about 6 hours of road ahead of me, so what makes it so great?

1. A car

—for obvious reasons. This is the key element in ensuring you have a successful road trip. I can guarantee you will not get very far without it.

2. An app or a map

—you must know where the hell you’re going right? While you may not have a set destination, as sometimes road tripping to nowhere, in particular, is the best kind of therapy, you probably want to get home at some point. Make sure you use apps like Google Maps or Apple Maps to ensure you do not end up hiking through the woods. We’ve all seen horror movies. I would suggest bringing in an extra map (yes, one of those folded paper things that nobody really uses anymore) and know how to read it. There may be a time when you can’t use your phone to Google “How to Read a Map”.

3. Tennis shoes

—or some type of sufficient pair of shoes that are good for running (and easily removable for a profound lounging in the backseat experience). This is for the quick in and out stops you may face at an eerie looking gas station or rest stop. Not every stop will be a McDonald's or Chick-fil-a with (hopefully) clean bathrooms. You will thank yourself when you are booking it from the creepy clerk at Speedway on an almost abandoned highway at 2 A.M..

4. Good company

—an essential. Is it even a road trip without this? With the right company, road tripping can be some of the best times of your life. When heading out on a pavement packed journey, half the fun is getting there. Travel with people who make your soul tingle and guarantee your belly laughs are genuine

5. Good snacks

—To the person parked in the backseat, I am talking to you. You are Chief Snack Distributor. It is your duty to know what the rest of the car likes. This includes everything you are trying to stay away from. Road trips are a good time, not the place to be sticking to your strict diet. Let loose a little and indulge in that bag of chips that you have totally been eyeing at the gas station. Or a cheap burger from McDonald's.

6. An auxiliary cord

—yet another obvious one because I will tell you, driving a long distance without music is a big no no. A negative ghost rider, if you will. You may as well just change your destination to the Psych Ward because without music you will go insane. Sure, a big part of road tripping is the heartfelt conversation as you and your company indulge on this experience with one another, however, depending on the length of your journey you may only be only able to tolerate so much without taking a break to chill out to the tunes of Florence and the Machine, Garth Brooks, The Eagles, and Ed Sheeran (because TBH who all has the same taste?) If none of your passenger’s tastes seem to suit your fancy, pop in those ear buds (not if you’re the driver, please don’t do that.

7. A reliable driver

—this is important as we would like to arrive at our destination in one piece. Designate texting for pit stops and allow the radio to be changed by the passenger.

8. Extra money

—to get you out of some sticky situations. If you need to spare some cash to get a creepy hotel room in a small town nobody has ever heard of because your oh-so-reliable car decides to call it quits, it is nice to not have one more thing to worry about.

9. Good conversation

—because road trips are where the bond builds. Heartfelt conversations from mile 94 all the way until 250. The topics seem to disappear and everyone has a genuine interest in each other’s life. It is a refreshing taste of water in the regularly social media filled lands. The talking will be real because everyone is trying to conserve battery life. Take what you can get and bask in it. Real conversation makes the soul thrive. Talk about everything from the bearded lady in the gas station to your future life goals to crying over your ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend. Or you can be like me and talk to my aunt whom lovingly inspired this idea during my idea lacking panic.

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