8 Thoughts Every Freshman Goes Through Their First Week Of College
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8 Thoughts Every Freshman Goes Through Their First Week Of College

Although college has just begun, there are several universal experiences I have had the pleasure of enduring and probably continue to persist throughout the semester.

8 Thoughts Every Freshman Goes Through Their First Week Of College
Valerie Burgess

As I stepped foot on my college’s campus for the first time for move-in day, I was the complete embodiment of what a stereotypical freshman is. I wore my ill-fitted college shirt and came along with my beautifully large mound of miscellaneous items to be fit inside my tiny dorm room. However, despite the utter chaos of move-in, my smiling was unwavering and my parents’ bittersweet sorrow grew larger.

After everything was moved in and final goodbyes were shared, I rode the high of the newness of the college experience – something that I entirely embrace and continue to love. During the past few days, I have had a chance to fall into the trap of all of the cliché freshman experiences, but I am more than well aware that these experiences are not exclusive to me at all.

1. “I definitely miss my parents!”

Yes, maybe you and your mother would always have different views about what is right for you, or maybe you and your dad had different definitions of what a funny joke is, but the moment they leave, you will definitely feel a ping of sadness regarding their too-soon departure. This is a hard time for them as well, so make sure to keep in contact with them and make sure they truly know how much you love them. This will make seeing them again that much more exciting!

2. “Where are my classes for this semester?”

The way buildings are nonsensically abbreviated makes a class schedule seem to be written in a foreign language completely. As a freshman, I had the responsibility of deciphering each of the buildings and deciding where my room was located and which entrance was the best option for me.

3. “Which dining hall has the best food?”

Living near a dining hall is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because, no matter what time of day, I can indulge in a full meal complete with my favorite salad and coffee, or I can just walk in for a late-night soft serve. However, the curse comes when you become too comfortable with what is most convenient to you and limit yourself to what is nearest. My advice is to eat around and try all the best (and worst) eateries to decide what is best for you for your next meal.

4. “Will I regret going to bed this late tomorrow?”

Maybe you are a natural night owl, but, for the rest of us early birds, our sleep is necessary and we need it early. Traditionally, I would always make a point in high school to go to bed at 9 p.m. to wake up refreshed and renewed for the following day.

5. “Where should I sit in the lecture hall?”

As a lefty, this question is the quintessential inquiry of my existence. The first day of classes induced momentary panic as I searched for the few lefty-friend desks. This usually means I sit in the bottom left corner right in the front row, but it is always great to be close to the professor (and actually hear what they are saying)!

6. "I need all of this college gear!”

Why stop at just a simple t-shirt when you can get any number of items like hats, flip-flops, and even stuffed animals?! Your college’s bookstore will basically have you wanting absolutely everything you can get your hands on in preparation of your first semester of classes. Also, why not show your love for your school with that cute tank or oh-so-overpriced necklace? Although it is basically guaranteed you will receive a lot of free swag throughout the school year, it is great to start your year off on the right foot!

7. “How much do textbooks cost?”

This is one of the most stressful and baffling aspects of college for me thus far and has successfully depleted my bank account. I still struggle to wrap my head around how something made of paper and cardboard can cost in some cases more than $200. However, I definitely look forward to selling back textbooks next semester.

8. “Do I really need to work out?”

Yes, yes, and yes. Do everything you can to stay on track of your fitness goals to avoid the freshman fifteen! This has been a struggle for me to manage in with all of my other classes, but fitness buddies are the best to keep you on track.

Although there is only one first week of freshman year, the adventures are still yet to come.

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