8 Things You Don't Want To Miss This Fall | The Odyssey Online
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8 Things You Don't Want To Miss This Fall

Two words: Gilmore Girls.

8 Things You Don't Want To Miss This Fall
Paul Bica

Between the books, shows, movies, and other events coming up, you won’t even notice the temperature is slowly plunging!

1. Fall in West Virginia

West Virginia really is one of the prettiest states in the fall when the leaves change colors on the trees up and down the Appalachian Mountains. The West Virginia Division of Tourism provides people with everything they need to know about fall, including when the different areas of the state have peak colors and driving tours. Information can be found on their website at https://gotowv.com/fall/.

2. PSL

In case you’re not a basic, white girl and don’t know, PSL stands for ‘Pumpkin Spice Latte.’ They came back on September 6 and, as usual, people (mostly women) rushed to Starbucks for their jolt of pumpkin-flavored, sugary caffeine. Let’s be real, I had one, too.

3. Football

Sure, this is a no brainer, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a fall favorite. Most college football teams kicked off Saturday, Sept. 3 and the NFL kicked off Thursday, Sept. 8. Look up your favorite team’s schedule and make plans to attend a game or host a watch party. You can never go wrong with those adorable, football-themed appetizers on Pinterest!

4. 2016 WV Wine and Jazz Festival

Grab some friends and head to Camp Muffly, located about 15 minutes out of Morgantown, for jazz music, food, and, of course, wine. The event starts Saturday, Sept. 17 at 11 a.m. and ends Sunday, Sept. 18 at 6 p.m. More information is available on the event’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/1385398301475516/.

5. Fright Farm

For those that like to have their heart hammer through their chest, there is no better place than a haunted house or Fright Farm. The most popular one for WVU students is Fright Farm at 2043 Springhill Furnace Road in Smithfield, Pa. It opens Friday, Sept. 30 and general admission, which includes all five attractions, is $25/person. More information can be found on their website http://frightfarm.com.

6. The Girl on the Train movie

I don’t know about everybody else, but I just started reading The Girl on the Train and I am already addicted! The book has been getting rave reviews from The New York Times to The Boston Globe, so there are high expectations for the movie that will be released on Friday, October 7.

7. Vote!

Unless you live under a rock, you have heard endless information about the 2016 presidential election. Maybe you’re tired of it all or feel like you don’t have an opinion one way or another, but it is still important to educate yourself and participate in what makes our country so amazing and that’s democracy! In West Virginia, you have to register to vote by Tuesday, Oct. 18 and you have to register absentee by Wednesday, Nov. 2. Absentee ballots have to be postmarked by Tuesday, Nov. 8 and received by Friday, Nov. 18. The general election is Tuesday, Nov. 8. More information is available at https://www.usvotefoundation.org.


In my entirely biased opinion, this will be the greatest year on record since Gilmore Girls went off the air in 2007. The people have begged and pleaded and Netflix has finally answered. Gilmore Girls will be available on Netflix starting Friday, Nov. 25 at 7 a.m. in four episodes named after the four seasons. I’ll be skipping Black Friday shopping and binge watching.
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