7 Classic Reads Everyone Must Add To Their Bookshelf
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7 Classic Reads Everyone Must Add To Their Bookshelf

As an avid lover and reader of books, these are my top 7 classic novels that you must add to your personal library.

7 Classic Reads Everyone Must Add To Their Bookshelf
Huffington Post
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." -George RR Martin

1. "The Exorcist" by William Peter Blatty, 1971

The Exorcist is one of my favorite horror movies by far. A few years ago, I decided to read the book and was quite impressed. Of course, the books are almost always better than the film adaptations, but I found that the two were pretty similar and followed the exact same storyline. If you're looking for a spooky and chilling read, The Exorcist is the perfect novel for you.

2. "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, 1960

To Kill A Mockingbird may remind you of middle school, but reading this novel a second time in college truly opened my eyes to the themes of the book and their importance. social status, and loss of innocence. This classic novel tells a story of racial injustice, the importance of social status, and loss of innocence in a Southern, 1930s setting.

3. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare, 1605

This Shakespearean comedy is by far my favorite piece of literature by William Shakespeare. The play includes themes of magic, love, supernatural forces, and has a happy ending resulting in marriage. The storyline of this play is quite comical and includes a love triangle, fairies, and a man turning into a donkey. Shakespeare is not everyone's cup of tea, but if you love his plays and want to get a good laugh, this quick read is definitely for you!

4. "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley, 1818

Believe it or not, Victor Frankenstein is the name of the scientist who created life, and not the name of the creature which we all just refer to as "Frankenstein." In the novel, the creature is actually referred to as "the monster," and has no real given name. Bet you never knew that! Mary Shelley created this story based on her own experiences in life, feeling lonely and unwanted, just as the monster feels on account of his horrible features. This novel portrays the theme to never judge a book by its cover and is a great read for young adults and up.

5. "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, 1945

Animal Farm isn't just about talking animals who take over a farm but is a complex allegory for the Russian Revolution of 1917. An allegory is a work of literature or a picture that has a double meaning and can be interpreted as something else. Each of the animals in this story represents a political figure and the events that take place on the farm are allegorical to the events that led up to the Russian Revolution. This book is a classic work of literature and is read around classrooms throughout the nation. If you aren't too much into politics and history, then you'll still enjoy the talking animals overthrowing the humans in this allegorical novella.

6. "Dracula" by Bram Stoker, 1897

We're not talking about Edward Cullen here, but instead the old, mysterious, and creepy Count Dracula. The original story, by Bram Stoker, tells a tale of a centuries-year-old, dead vampire who lives in an old castle in Transylvania. The novel has many aspects to it, including diary entries from a man who is staying in the Count's home, to Gypsies whom protect the Count and seduce men. If you've never read this book I highly suggest you give it a chance. The elevated language and Gothic influences may cause some to find it difficult to follow, but after reading this book you will understand where the original idea of the vampire had come from.

7. "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" by Mitch Albom, 2003

Ending this list on a happier note, Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet In Heaven is a touching novel for readers of all ages, backgrounds, and religions. We follow an old maintenance worker named Eddie, who dies while saving a young girl from a broken carnival ride. The reader journeys alongside Eddie to his trip to heaven and meets 5 very different people with their own stories and backgrounds. This book is truly moving and will have you sad, happy, laughing, and crying all at once. People of all ages would enjoy this book and it's deep meanings and lessons about life and death.

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