6 Reasons Gingrich Won't Be Vice President
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6 Reasons Gingrich Won't Be Vice President

Much to the dismay of Trump supporters.

6 Reasons Gingrich Won't Be Vice President

There are a lot of rumors surrounding who will be the next heartbeat away from President. All of Hillary Clinton's seem to be the Democratic standard of career senators with a couple Cabinet secretaries thrown in the mix. While Donald Trump's short list has been filled with token generals, moderate governors, and narcissistic members of Congress.

One such congressman is the career politician and former house speaker Newt Gingrich. This individual has amassed a background envious of politicians. Elected as a Republican from Georgia in the 1978 election - after a third try for the run, three time's a charm - he would become the 50th speaker of the House.

He previously served as House minority whip from 1989 to 1995, co-authored the famous Contract with America agenda, helped usher in the Republican revolution of '94, was Time magazine's Man of the Year in '95, passed a slew of reforms and a balanced budget, and after resigning in 1999, was still active in U.S. politics.

But does any of that means he would make a good running mate for the welfare recipient businessman Trump? There are six reasons why the former speaker will not be the vice president of the United States.

1. The chance of multiple second ladies.

Gingrich's marital history is like a good '80s Alice Cooper song, full of poison on a bed of nails. In 1962, he married Jackie Battley (RIP), a former high school teacher, when he was 19 years old and she was 26.

This was the wife that he divorced while she was in a hospital bed fighting cancer. Despite damage control from their offspring, court documents reveal she did not want the divorce and he did. After the divorce in 1981, she told the media it was a surprise to her.

Gingrich married the woman he had the affair while the ink on his divorce was still wet. Marianne Ginther helped get her husband out of debt, co-authored him him, and was half of a difficult marriage.

So difficult, he had an affair on her with a congressional staffer, Callista Bisek, a decade after the marriage. Callista, age-wise, was the opposite of his first wife - she was younger to his junior. They married shortly after his second divorce.

While Callista Gingrich would be the first second lady of a Trump administration, who would be the second one? The U.S. would have its first second second lady if Gingrich had an affair in the vice president's office. Not an unfair prediction, given his past.

All he would need is a little spark in the dark.

2. Kind of has an issue with ethics.

Never mind his known infidelities, he has had a menu of ethics violations during his tenure in congress.

As speaker, he had close to a hundred ethics violations against him. All were dropped except for one where he committed tax fraud for political capital.

On top of possible violations of federal law, he had lied to try to dismiss the charges. The IRS would later do as he wanted.

This was one of several reasons why House Republicans wanted to replace him as speaker. It should be noted one of the candidates to replace him dropped out because of his own infidelities.

Sure, the career politician is a Teflon con, but his deception will not bode well in the court of public opinion.

3. Wrote the book on dishonesty.

On top of his broken marriage vows and ethics violations, and the excuses he gives for both, Gingrich has a problem telling the truth.

He implied then-president Bill Clinton played personal politics, when in reality it was just party politics. See: baby Gingrich throwing temper tantrums.

In the '80s he was part of a push to charge then-speaker Jim Wright with ethics violations. The charges regarded Wright's book deals to get around campaign finance laws, something Gingrich was also doing at the time.

That led to his promotion to GOP whip. In this position, he went after Democrats over unethical behavior, including things he himself had done. Such as check frauds, even checks to the IRS.

Not to mention his hefty fees as a "historian" for lobby groups. One such occurrence was with government agency, Freddie Mac. He obtained millions in these endeavors.

Honesty is a foreign language to Newt Gingrich.

4. A ticket of celebrities seems third party-ish.

Donald Trump, an actor and reality TV show host, would not be the only celebrity on this ticket. Gingrich is an author of both fictional and non-fictional books, including historical fiction.

He has also produced documentaries, hosted his own mainstream TV shows, and is a Fox News contributor, commenting on mainstream politics.

Also a known enthusiast for animals, dinosaurs, liberal healthcare policies, painting, space exploration, and history, he has invested wildly in much of the above.

Usually it is third parties that present tickets with celebrities. In 2012, the Peace and Freedom Party nominated actress Roseanne Barr, in 2008 the Libertarian Party nominated TV host Wayne Allyn Root on the bottom of the ticket, in 2000 the Green Party famously nominated consumer advocate Ralph Nader, etc.

A Trump ticket is already seen as a joke to many, add another celebrity and it will be a clown car of epic proportions.

5. He is uniquely qualified to be Co-President.

The Beltway barbarian has been a career politician, a congressional leader who helped lead a GOP revival, even being an influential speaker who worked with and against the president, founder of various conservative think tanks, a founder and owner of a slew of businesses, an ally and opponent at different times with the mainstream media, and a policy architect who has put his mark on U.S. politics for generations to come.

His resume is impressive on paper, even if he had to manipulate finances and people to write it. But his many blemishes have proven to be a liability for direct campaigns, as proven by his 2012 presidential run (where his only win, in South Carolina, was mired with voter fraud allegations and investigations).

The White House chief of staff is one of the most powerful figures in Washington, D.C., so much so it has earned the moniker, "co-president."

The chief of staff is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the White House executive office, including being a part of the national security and financial teams. A chief of staff Gingrich would decide who meets with the president, advise the president on decisions, force agenda-setting, and work with and bull congress (the latter of which Trump needs if he is serious).

Examples of chiefs of staff who were influential before being tapped for the position includes Rahm Emanuel and Jacob Lew of the Obama administration, Andrew Card of the W. Bush administration, John Podesta and Leon Panetta of the B. Clinton administration, and James Baker of the H.W. Bush and Reagan administrations to name a few.

Gingrich easily fits into these molds, much more than the next Joe Biden or Dick Cheney.

6. Hillary Clinton will not tap him for running mate.

And of course there is the inevitable reason why Gingrich will not be vice president. Hillary Clinton, from across the aisle, will not choose him to be her running mate.

Trump supporters will be disappointed and possibly angry that their candidate will be seen historically as a joke. Like Wendell Willkie before him, Trump is a Democrat-turned-Republican whose ties to government before running for president is in corporatist endeavors. Also like Willkie, who lost to F. Roosevelt in 1940, the fiat billionaire will lose to a popular, crooked Democrat.

Even if Gingrich is chosen to be a vice presidential candidate, which would be a deficit to the already bankrupted ticket, he will be on a losing team.

The next vice president will be Clinton's running mate, not Newt Gingrich.

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