5 Scary-True Stories to Tell Around a Campfire
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5 Scary-True Stories to Tell Around a Campfire

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5 Scary-True Stories to Tell Around a Campfire

Summer movie theatre's are usually filled with the latest scary movie, ranging from ghosts to clowns. But after the movie ends and the credits role, you get to go home knowing that it was just a film. Better than just a work of fiction are these stories that are true, or based on true events. So grab a blanket, turn off the lights, and get ready to freak your friends out around the next campfire.

5. When Ouija Boards Attack

In a strange story from the UK, a woman named Angela Jackson was warned by a psychic to not be tempted into using an Ouija Board (which is said to be a “tool” that can be used to communicate with ghosts). Jackson didn’t listen to the warning and used an Ouija Board with her neighbors during a get together using a board and a drinking glass. After some time, she claims that the glass began to communicate, spelling out Angela’s name and the message “Die.” After some more insidious messages, the glass flew off the table and broke against the wall, but Jackson’s nightmare had begun. Jackson said she began to have terrible nightmare’s which featured a man wielding a hammer. In a horrible turn of events, Jackson was later attacked by a man with a hammer, and was severely beaten and left for dead. Jackson survived and has vowed to never use an Ouija Board again. Her attacker wasn't caught.

4. It All Started with Footprints

A strange, but true, case emerged from Bavaria, Germany in the 1920’s after a family was found murdered in their barn. It was said that parents Andreas and Cazilla Gruber as well their daughter, two grandchildren and a maid were slain in their beds, then moved into the barn. The disturbing part was that the killer lived in the home for nearly a week, taking care of the livestock and home. It wasn’t until the girls were noticed missing from school that the family was even found. Investigators think the murders were a planned event after neighbors told police that Andreas said things were starting to go missing, strange noises could be heard from their attic, and footprints were found leading to the house one snowy morning.

3. The Girl in the Elevator

It’s a true case that still baffles police today. It started in February of 2013 after a body was found in a locked water tank of a Los Angeles hotel rooftop. The Cecil Hotel had infamous murders, suicides, and strange occurrences, but the death of Elisa Lam attracted media attention after an elevator video of her final moments surfaced on the internet. In the video, Lam can be seen walking into the elevator and pushing multiple buttons, then cowering in the corner, jumping in and out of the elevator and seemingly talking to someone unseen. The disturbing footage led investigators to assume drugs were involved, but the autopsy revealed no trance of alcohol or drugs. Worse, Lam’s body was only discovered when guests of the hotel began to complain about the taste and color of the hotel’s water.

2. Retracing a Nightmare

The event now titled the “Dyatlov Pass Incident” was a real event that happened in the Ural Mountains during the 1950’s. It all started when nine experienced hikers took off on an expedition with their leader, Igor Dyatlov, and never returned. Search and Rescue teams were sent out to find the hikers, but what the found shocked and horrified them. All nine of the team members were found dead, with unexplainable trauma, and their campsite torn to shreds. Even more disturbing was the campsite was torn apart by the hikers as they ripped their tent from the inside out in order to escape from something. Almost all hikers were found inadequately dressed, leading investigators to believe hypothermia had something to do with the tragedy until the autopsy revealed shattered bones, skulls, and radiation that could not be explained. To this day, UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists believe the hikers were killed to cover up something they stumbled into.

1. Hello

In a video narrated by YouTuber, Mr. Nightmare, a recount was told of a childhood memory. One that involved a small bedroom and a strange closet with a door that had no hinges. The story goes that every so often, the door would pop off and wake the boy. Thinking the holds of the frame were dulling, the boy told his parents, and left the door open. After fixing the edging the boy returned the door to it’s frame but was woken that night by the door popping off, and even worse, the sound of movement. Thinking it was an animal, the boy looked up to find someone starring back at him. Petrified, he ran and told his parents what he had seen, and after investigation, the parents couldn’t find anyone. After returning to the parent’s room, someone was heard bursting out of the boy’s room and out the front door. No one was ever caught.

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