5 Nostalgic And Original Halloween Costume Ideas
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5 Nostalgic And Original Halloween Costume Ideas

This year you won't have to fall back on some of Halloween's most overdone costumes and these ideas will have you reminiscing on your childhood.

5 Nostalgic And Original Halloween Costume Ideas

Halloween is tonight and what better way to kick off the celebration with a few "oh duh", but underrated costume ideas. If you're like me, you probably haven't assembled the necessary parts for your costume yet, or maybe you're still in the "what even is a costume" phase. I'm here to cure the epidemic of the basic nerd and even the overly sexualized pet costumes (i.e. mouse, dog, cat). However, there is a fish on this list!

1. If You Give A Mouse A Cookie

This costume brings back so many memories for me and it works well for both children and adults. The original storybook is cute and colorful and the costume is just that. Throw on a pair of overalls with some casual sneakers and an understated tee to bring the look together. A pair of ears. And lastly, a cookie made of cardboard. Simply decorate a cardboard disk (24'' diameter for an adult and 18'' for a small child) with a brown/black marker to make the chocolate chips. Now you're ready to ask for some milk!

2. Rainbow Fish

The colorful and metallic qualities of this fish make for a show stopping assemblage. As a kid, I remember being drawn to the watercolor illustrations inside and how the fish was unique in his appearance. The look can be achieved multiple ways -

A. One method is for ladies (and guys as I don't discriminate) to use colorful eye makeup with virtually any bright color and to accent it with either their nails, eyeliner ,or even lips in a metallic silver. It also calls for heavy doses of highlighting powder - the more shine, the better. This paired with colorful tights, a dress, neon rave-wear, glow in the dark necklaces, and body paint will all assist you in furthering this costume.

B. Another method to creating this costume is to find metallic garments and to conceal them under a layer of colorful outerwear. This will convey the shine of the fishes scales which were surrounded by other vibrant colors and eventually all given away.

3. Corduroy

This adventurous little bear made the list for his spunk and his little fabric overalls. There is nothing more beloved to me than a pair of corduroys. Another fun one to do with children, dressing your infant as this childhood toy will surely turn heads and attract "awe's". The materials for this costume are not set in stone, however, the styling of the overalls affects the visual cohesion and will allow people to better recognize the resemblance.

**He is especially known for his olive green corduroy overalls.

4. "Holy Guacamole" & "Holy Cow"

This partner/ best friend costume idea is taking the world by storm.

Materials Needed:

"Holy Guac" - dress like an avocado, be green and everyone should love you. Must include halo, making it "holy".

"Holy Cow" - if you've ever been to a Chick-Fil-A Cow Day, you'll understand what I mean when I say "dress like you want a free sandwich". Must include halo thus makes it "holy".

5. Ratatouille

This Disney-inspired costume recreates the moment when Alfredo puts Remy into his hat to assist him in the kitchen. Simply a paper chef's hat, a small electronic tea light is placed inside and the shadow of a (paper cutout) mouse is cast. It is something immediately recognizable and you can add more characters from within the movie.

The nostalgic impressions of the costumes mentioned above should have people remarking on your genius. These ideas aren't locked away in a safe for no one to discover, yet it's as if they are hidden and kept a secret. If you're worried about standing out, it's highly unlikely anyone will show up in your costume if you choose one off this list. Happy Halloween everyone!

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