5 Netflix TV Series For Horror Genre Fanatics
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5 Netflix TV Series For Horror Genre Fanatics

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5 Netflix TV Series For Horror Genre Fanatics

If you’re like me, horror movies have always been a favorite. Regardless if I went to sleep with my light still on or had my dog sleep within a foot of my bed, I just can’t get enough of the thrill that scary movies bring. Now that Netflix is one of the most popular movie streaming sites online, “binge watching” has become one of the most talked about hobbies and not that I’m trying to boast or anything, I like to consider myself a pro when it comes to this generations favorite pass time. I’m not one to discriminate against any tv genre’s, but thriller/scary has always been able to catch my attention. Although we all feel as if Netflix could use a little update more often than not, take some time away from the Grey’s Anatomy and Orange Is The New Black and try out some of these horror series, you won’t be disappointed.

  1. The Walking Dead: This being one of my all time favorites, it is your typical old-fashioned zombie thriller filled with gore and adrenaline. I began watching this tv series back when it first aired on AMC in 2010 and I still can’t get enough of bad boy Daryl Dixon. Although heartstrings will be pulled as certain characters die off one season after the next, this show will leave you feeling as if you could survive any apocalyptic disaster thrown at you. With season 7 approaching this October, I highly encourage the binge watching that will occur when beginning this series. Let the zombie slaying begin!
  2. American Horror Story: I’ll be honest, if you’re looking for something disturbing and twisted, this is your show. Some of the episodes will leave you feeling uneasy and squirmy, but there’s just something about it that keeps you wanting more. If Emma Roberts doesn’t spark your interest with her talents in this series, Evan Peters sure will. With Coven being my favorite season, Evan’s role in the Kappa Lambda Gamma fraternity is almost as good Zac Efron‘s role in the female hit movie “Neighbors”. I guess you could say there’s just something about smokin’ hot celebs in letters.

  3. MTV’s Scream: Based off of the original 1996 horror flick “Scream”, this MTV tv series takes on a new look as the killer carries on a deadly tradition that has been haunting the teenagers of this small town for years. Although this killer’s motives are based around cyber bullying and hatred circulating between these groups of kids, the killer could be anybody, and any suspicious activity is noticed and investigated. Just as soon as you think you have your eye on the suspect, this chilling series puts a twist on what you thought you knew. If you’re one who’s best interest involves intense drama and investigation, this show is sure to keep you guessing, questioning, and thinking.
  4. Hemlock Grove: This being my second favorite under The Walking Dead, my interest is peaked by the werewolf-based storyline. This series is a little discomforting and dark, but there is also some softness to it. There are two sides to this series, one side involving your typical little rich boy with some inner problems and deep secrets you can’t quit figure out, and your rough around the edges trailer park boy who’s only secret is that he is a were wolf trying to hide this truth under his thin layer of skin. These two teenagers who come from completely separate worlds decide to come together only to find out they are both facing deeper problems aside from their family and school life. If you’ve always been a Team Jacob/Werewolf fan, I can guarantee that this series is for you.
  5. Supernatural: Although I just started getting into this new tv series, the chilling
    background that this show has is sure to leave the hairs on your arms standing straight. The Winchester brothers are out to find the reason behind their mother’s death, while also trying to keep their family past a secret. These “Ghostbusters” as you could say, have more to offer than just their looks, their clever techniques and ghost hunting skills are pretty admired considering there’s only a select few willing to take on this kind of job. It’s more of an adrenaline rush but I will admit there was a few times I jumped out of my seat. This show is definitely worth the watch!

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