5 Lesser-Known Disney Movies That Deserve Live Action Remakes
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5 Lesser-Known Disney Movies That Deserve Live Action Remakes

Disney is remaking all of their classics, but these 5 are getting overlook.

5 Lesser-Known Disney Movies That Deserve Live Action Remakes
Lady And The Tramp - Bella Notte

Call it capitalizing on new developments in technology, call it a cynical cash grab exploiting on nostalgia, the Disney live-action adaptations of their classic animated features are here to stay for awhile. Some have worked, others not, but from reading news about future Disney projects, it seems like all the classics are getting their live-action remakes. Whether they turn out as smart reimaginings of a timeless story or a lazy shot-for-shot remake, these movies have and will make money.

Although it feels like every single Disney animated film is getting remade, it's really just the ones that have been incorporated into their brand for decades. And while doing remakes of core brands are fine, the live-action-remake-sensation could work wonders for a few Disney movies that you don't see in their theme parks.

Whether it's sneaky-good gems that didn't make a lot of money when released or flawed but entertaining movies that could use some tweaking, here are 5 lesser-known Disney movies that should be worthy of a live-action remake.

Lady and The Tramp

Lady and the Tramp

Ok, so putting this movie on the list is kind of cheating because "Lady and the Tramp" is a well-known and beloved Disney classic. However, besides the spaghetti dinner scene where the dogs kiss having eaten the same spaghetti string, what else can you recall from the movie?

Have you actually seen it?

It’s ok if you haven’t, but it does require viewing for you to officially become a Disney film historian.

With the success of "The Jungle Book" and the making of "The Lion King", Disney has broken new ground in making live-action features with a cast almost entirely of CGI animals. Although "Lady and The Tramp" are nowhere near as grand and epic as the ones previously mentioned, it’d make a nice and charming little love story to take your kids to. Maybe do an "Aristocats" remake too! And don't include the siamese cats in the remake also.

The Fox and The Hound

There was a two-decade period from the time of Walt Disney’s death to the beginning of the Disney Renaissance when the quality of Disney animated features fell down significantly.

One of the best movies from the Dark Age, however, was the 1981 film "The Fox and The Hound." All Disney movies are the opposite of tragedies, but "The Fox and The Hound" is the closest there is to one. It starts out as an innocent story of friendship between an adorable farm hound puppy and a little forest fox, but as they grow into adults, society has forced them apart and now have to be enemies. The deep allegories and the sad dissolution of their friendship was something I didn't understand when first seeing it as a kid, but revisiting it as a young adult makes this one of my favorite Disney movies.

A live action remake would bring together families as adults are moved to tears and as kids are taught a valuable lesson about not letting society ruin their friendships with those who are different.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

The early 90s were the peak of the Disney renaissance, but the mid to late 90s crop of films that tried to match the magic of the earlier films with a high budget came with mixed results. One of those movies that were a victim of balancing heavy subjects with awkward comedy was 1997’s "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." Based on the classic Victor Hugo novel and numerous classic live adaptations, Hunchback has been adapted and retold in many forms because of its themes of discrimination, prejudice, and social justice.

While it has a great score and really good songs, the 1997 movie has creepily dark moments for a Disney movie while on the other hand, you got a gargoyle voiced by George Costanza yelling things like “I’m losing to a bird!” and “Pour the wine and cut the cheese!”

A new live-action version of Hunchback could potentially be great by keeping the powerful score, cutting out the lame comedy relief, and hone in themes of social equality that has relevance today. Just don’t end it like the book thinking that’s gonna make it better, it’s still Disney after all. And perhaps do a Victor Hugo-crossover and put the characters and songs of "Les Miserables" in there as well.

Film analysis Lindsay Ellis has a great video dissecting the classic tale and what went right and wrong in the 1997 animated film"

The Black Cauldron

Question 1: Have you heard of this movie?

If yes then congratulations, you're a Disney fan.

Question 2: Have you seen this movie?

If yes then congratulations! You are now officially a Disney expert!

Among the reasons why this movie is forgotten in the Disney archive is because that came out during a bad era in Disney history and that it's unlike the typical Disney feature. This movie is more like a Don Bluth or Ralph Bashski fantasy adaptation of a "Lord Of The Rings type of story." Swords, fairies, a princess, goblins, talking animals, demons, a pig, and a powerful MacGuffin, The Black Cauldron was a story told ahead of its time.

I think if this was made in the era of "The Lord of The Rings" and "Game of Thrones" it would be much more successful. That's why a live-action remake could potentially be a box office hit in today's market. Make a version that has the right balance of dark fantasy mythology with the sense of fun and adventure. Among the list Disney upcoming live-action project list is the King Arthur legend "The Sword in The Stone", so why not remake "The Black Cauldron?"

The Emperor’s New Groove

I lived through the early 2000s, but if you were to show me a list of all the Disney features that came out in that period I wouldn’t remember any of them outside of the Pixar features. The one exception to that bland 2000s list, however, would be The "Emperor’s New Groove."

Not only is it one of Disney's most unique movies, but it's also one of their funniest. A clever story, a series of great dialogue and consistent gags, "New Groove" was another case of a classic that was overlooked in a mediocre period of Disney features. If they tried a live-action remake with the right cast and the same comedic spirit as the original, it could make a hella-entertaining movie for the whole family!

Now obviously, business is business, and Disney won't remake an obscure gem for the sake of it. However, if they were to make just one of these five movies into a live-action feature and it succeeds, then it can open the door for the rest of these hidden gems.

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