5 Facts About Mock Con's Most Famed Speaker
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Politics and Activism

5 Facts About Mock Con's Most Famed Speaker

His Name was Alben Barkley

5 Facts About Mock Con's Most Famed Speaker
Hessler Studio

From the moment you step on Washington and Lee’s campus, Mock Convention is mentioned. Our convention is something that W&L students take great pride in. We are constantly reminded that our convention is most similar to the official partisan conventions that will take place later in the year and is the most accurate. Along with these discussions, stories of the politicians and dignitaries to have graced our campus is often mentioned. Then Governor Bill Clinton played the sax at an off-campus fraternity party and it is rumored that then Governor Jimmy Carter’s press secretary missed Carter’s speech because he was out celebrating with a group of W&L students and alumni. Most notably, Alben Barkely, a former Vice President died on the convention floor in 1956 immediately following his speech. This year marks the 60th anniversary of his death. During this weekend’s festivities, we paid tribute to Barkely with a moment of silence as well as a video and reflectional remarks.

1. Alben Barkely was not his original name.

Born on November 24th, 1877 in a log cabin in Kentucky, Barkey’s birth name was Willie Alben Barkely but quickly adopted the name Alben William Barkely early on in his life.

2. He wasn’t always a democrat.

During his early years, he was, in fact, a conservative. Upon meeting and working with Woodrow Wilson, Barkely began to embrace more liberal policies. He eventually endorsed Wilson’s New Freedom platform, which included the 1913 Federal Reserve Act and the 1914 Federal Trade Commission Act.

3. He was the original Iron Man.

During his re-election for U.S. representative in 1923, he traveled across the states and made up to 16 speeches a day. As a result, constituents gave him the moniker.

4. He was the keynote speaker for the 1936 Democratic National Convention.

During his address, his comments regarding the power and influence of the Supreme Court were of note. He stated, ""Is the court beyond criticism? May it be regarded as too sacred to be disagreed with?” These comments actually set an anti-Supreme Court tone during Roosevelt's second term.

5. His devotion to his work and family was noteworthy.

A poll of legislators named Barkely and William Taft as the hardest working members of their respective parties. When he was elected to the Senate, Barkely closed his law practice. During this time, Barkely’s wife began to succumb to heart disease. As her medical expenses began to grow, Barkely got additional funds with speaking engagements. In fact, he was requested the most amongst the Democratic Speaker’s Bureau.

In an age where we often look at our elected representatives with disillusionment and distrust, I hope that Barkely’s story resonates. So many of our representatives are unsung heroes who seek to know their constituents and make improvements to society. Barkely died on the podium, expressing his eternal desire to serve. I can only hope that our generation has these same principles instilled in us.

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