45 Signs You're An Illini
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45 Signs You're An Illini

Signs that prove you are forever a proud Illini at the University of Urbana - Champaign

45 Signs You're An Illini

Ah U of I... Home of the domesticated squirrel and functional alcoholism, and perhaps even functionally domesticated alcoholic squirrels if they get into KAM's dumpsters. Where we celebrate our mediocre sports by congregating at the bars at ungodly early hours and forget the fact we even have a liver. Where class is never cancelled, even when taking a single step outside will turn you into an Illini-cicle. Where we are routinely told every day that we are destined for an eternity of hell by the 'preachers' on the quad. But dammit, we love it all, and here are 45 signs that show you probably do too.

1. You find yourself singing along to the songs played on the Altgeld Bells during the day

2. You not only wear orange better than all of your friends, but it is a fashion staple in your closet

3. You love and appreciate Espresso Royale wayyy more than Starbucks or Dunkin

4. You try to explain Block to all your friends and family back at home but just can’t.

“It’s where we drink and party at 8am at the bars while a football game is going on that we aren’t actually attending but rooting for…”

5. You have mastered both the art of parallel parking and defensive driving around campus

6. You can sense when it is recruitment season because there is a tense aura around campus

7. Wine night at Cly's is a mandatory part of your week, but also a very deadly one

8. U of I’s number one specialty is drunk food

9. It’s not actually raining unless you see every single sorority girl wearing their matching sorority rain jackets

10. Only school where you can see a drunk chicken and a group of lumber jacks

11. When you hear The Other Guys are coming to sing to your chapter, you are beyond excited

12. When you got a t-shirt that says, "I got my Krabs at Kams" while toasting your Krab Race win with endless Blue Guys

13. When you say you go to U of I, all your family’s friends congratulate you like you got into an Ivy League

14. You crawl into a ball and die a little when midterms roll around every semester

15. After a stressful week, “Let’s go to Lion!” is the best thing you will ever hear come out of your friends mouth

16. Quad Day is always way over 100 degrees, even when it really isn’t

17. You go to Quad Day for the free icees and the water polo boys in their ever so tiny speedos

18. The idea of jumping in front of a bus so that they’ll have to pay your tuition has crossed your mind at least once

19. You’ve had a class in Foellinger with over 700 people at least once in your college career

20. You lived at Bromley your freshman year and felt like it was the best decision you ever made as a freshman. Scratch that, the only good decision you made, period

21. You hear your friend is from FAR/PAR and realize you actually can’t be friends because its just way. Too. Far.

22. You’ve been to the ARC outdoor pool and felt like you’re on vacation

23. You’ve stumbled into Fat Sandwich or Antonios and given your soul away after a drunken night at the bars

24. You’ve spent multiple all-nighters holed up on the fourth floor of Grainger

25. You go to Dallas and Co. every Halloween and are still amazed by their costumes and decor covering every inch of the store

26. You’ve gone to a football game and been apart of the Block I card designs

27. You have a common disdain for ISU students even though you have no actual reason to hate on them

28. You can't wait for Barn Dance season to come around so you get to see Loretta and eat her famous Chex Mix

29. You've ever been yelled at for sneaking out at Barndance from the barn to the actual Farm Lake

30. You try to explain to your friends at other colleges that Sunday is the only day we don’t go out

31. You are asked what your mascot is and proudly declare, "The Chief!"

32. You are absolutely too excited for Drag Night at C Street

33. You spend way too much time at Club UGL during finals and forget what day it is, or even if it is day or night

34. You religiously get up at 6:00 A.M. with all your friends to start Unofficial off the right way

35. You’ve been on the 22 N or the 22 S late at night and heard the bus drivers singing and making jokes over the speaker system

36. You can’t wait to be a senior and finally get to move into the Senior House

37. You have witnessed the crazy cougars dancing on the poles at Joe’s on Mom’s Weekend

38. You feel accomplished when you finally earn your "Mug Club Card"

39. You live for 80 cent sushi pieces at Ko Fusion

40. Senior block is something you will always cherish after you graduate

41. You can’t wait for it to be Autumn because it is by far the most beautiful time on campus without a doubt

42. "MNJ" is an acronym that can either make or break the rest of your week

43. You step back and realize you go to the best Big Ten school and the number one party school in America

44. Alma will always be number one in your heart

45. You never want to graduate….ever

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