They were raised outside with a wicked sense of hard work and some dirt on their face. As they grow up, they never grow out of that little farm girl who was not afraid of anything. Farm girls look at their 1,800 pound bull in the eye just as they look at their future and dreams, without fear and ready to conquer.
You see, us farm girls learned lessons a bit different than others growing up. Those lessons are instilled in us forever and make us proud to call ourselves “Farm Girls” whether we are working in a corporate office, a full-time student or working on the farm. There are not a lot of us, but once you find one you will see her shine.
1. They know not to call all cattle “cows"
Bulls, steers, cows, heifers and calves.
2. They know hard work
3.They know how to hold a conversation
4.They know the benefits of GMOs and why the world needs them
We are not pouring chemicals all over your food hun, we are growing more food efficiently that will feed our growing population.
5.They know and appreciate manners
"Please" and "thank you" carry more weight than you think.
6.They know a rain shower will always make dad happy
Although I do not want to walk to class in it, I just have to remember that dad is throwing a party at home.
7.They know dirt won’t hurt you and it will come out of your clothes
8.They have probably eaten one of their own animals
Sorry Chocolate.
9. They understand the circle of life and have witnessed it multiple times
10. They know the difference between work boots and nice boots
Work boots = poop and dirt. Nice boots = events mom has to remind you to clean up for.
11. They know and call BS when others try to be “country”
Your boots have never seen dirt and still have the tag on the bottom of them.
12. They know “cow tipping” isn’t a thing to do for fun
13. They know what the difference between a red and green tractor is
This causes turmoil with family members and friends.
14. They know that riding in the combine is so refreshing.
The best talks and my fondest memories are in that combine.
15. They know how to make apple crisp from the apple tree in your yard
16. They know that their dad and grandfathers set the bar high for men in their life
Hard-working, compassionate, steadfast, kind, intelligent, humble and loving; qualities I have grown up admiring and taking notes on. Men that will always care and build strong women are men that we desire.
17. They know that the smell of animals is “the smell of money”
18. They know harvest time is the best and worst time of the year
16 hour days, thousands of acres and meal deliveries to the field will never get old.
19. They know that the best view comes from the top of a grain bin
20. They know how to castrate an animal
Man, does this scare the boys. Dad had an ultimate reason he taught me this.
21. They know to educate
themselves on both sides of an issue
22. They know how to
have a relationship with the Lord23. They know how to
change their own tire and oil24. They know that car washes can be useless
25. They believe that if you work hard, you deserve what you earn26. They know that watching the fireflies twinkle in the pastures is the best show on earthKeep your phone in the house, just soak it in.
27. They know that
family comes before everything
28. They know and hate to admit that sunflowers are weeds
So pretty, so photogenic. it pains me to want them gone for the sake of my dad.
29. They know that being
outside does more for the soul than being inside
30. They know how to give exact directions from the big cities
"I am 40 miles east of Lincoln."
31. They know how to be responsible for others, not just themselves
32. They know that sweet corn freshly picked is the most delicious
"Mom, why don't these people just pick their own rather than buy it from the store?"
33. They know that “organic” means bugs and more money
34. They know when grandma says, “it’s homemade” it is going to be the best food you’ll eat
You don’t ask, you just eat it.
35. They have known how to drive since the age of 8
When someone needs to be picked up from the field, you simply go get them.
36. They know how to look someone in the eye when talking to them
37. They can tell the difference between a male or female animal with no problem
“How can you tell so easy?” Well, you see that human anatomy is similar to an animals' in a sense that...