30 Signs That You're From Cleveland
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30 Signs That You're From Cleveland

It may get a bad reputation sometimes, but it is home.

30 Signs That You're From Cleveland

Chances are that if you are from a small suburb in Cleveland and someone asks where you're from you simply smile and say Cleveland. It is your city and you take pride in it no matter what. We have little things in common that unify us so that wherever we go we'll always be friends with anyone else from Cleveland.

1. It's "The Jake" or Jacob's Field.

No one really calls it Progressive Field unless they are getting paid to. It will always be Jacob's Field and Chief Wahoo will always be our mascot.

2. Whether or not you like LeBron James all depends on how he played that night.

Even after his return, some of the people who hated him the most couldn't help but buy a jersey. Unless he played awful the night before, we all still love him.

3. No holiday is complete without candy from Malley's.

Especially Easter. You have to have that Malley's chocolate bunny in your basket for the day to be complete.

4. You may not like MGK but you have "'Til I Die" downloaded and always point out he is from your city.

Even if you don't like the rest of his music, you appreciate his dedication to Cleveland and now at least "C-L-E 'til I die."

5. Great Lakes is always in your parents' fridge.

One or both your parents drink Great Lakes, even if it's only seasonal, like Christmas Ale. You will always see it in the fridge and it was probably the first one you tasted.

6. You own something that says 216 or CLE.

It's so easy to spot someone in college that shares the same city as you. As soon as you see that CLE sticker on their laptop, it's time to be friends.

7. You take credit for Cedar Point and the rest of the Midwest needs to thank you.

It may be in Sandusky but it's close enough. To the rest of the Midwest who travels to get here: you're welcome for this.

8. No one knows what the FREE stamp means.

Whenever you bring someone from out of town they always ask "What is that?" You probably googled it once or twice but can just never remember, but you have probably one picture with it too.

9. The St. Patrick's Day Parade is a big deal.

You were upset every time your parents wouldn't call off school and take you, and you had that one friend who went every year. Teachers were prepared, too. They would make quizzes happen on that day that you couldn't make up. It was well worth it though.

10. Marc's is your go-to grocery store.

They are everywhere and quicker than Wal-Mart. It's your parents' go-to grocery shopping location. It was great as a kid, though, with the cheap toy section, birds and TVs in the check out lines.

11. Only people from Cleveland can laugh at Cleveland jokes.

We will laugh at the joke, but then yell at you. Only Clevelanders can make jokes about our sports teams or the cons of the city. Don't even try it with us.

12. You still love the Browns for some unknown reason.

It's just all about loyalty. No matter how bad and unwatchable it gets, you still watch and have a small glimmer of hope.

13. Put-In-Bay is a good vacation.

Why travel hours away, when we have a perfectly good vacation spot right in our own backyard?

14. You go to at least one Indians game each season, just because.

Tickets are cheap and it's a fun way to kill an afternoon outside with your friends. It was also the go-to end of the year field trip growing up.

15. Three feet of snow and no power, yet you're still going to school.

You put on your coat and boots, let out a huge sigh and went to the corner to wait for the bus. No matter how cold, how much snow, or lack of heat or power, you were still at school. You almost didn't believe the news when you saw your school's name go across the bottom of the screen.

16. Cleveland is home to the "A Christmas Story" house and you are proud to tell everyone.

The pole in Parma, the house on W. 11th, the opening scene of what use to be Higbee's. This movie just fills Cleveland with Christmas spirit.

17. You understand the East Side-West Side debate.

My mother grew up in on the east side, my father grew up on the west side. I spent 11 years on the east side and seven on the west side. Which is better? East siders will say east, west siders will say west. I say... actually, I'm not going to answer that.

18. You always say "It's only 20 minutes away" even if it's more.

How far is the mall? 20 minutes. How far is the dentist? 20 minutes. How far do you work? 20 minutes. The real answers? Probably more like 30-40 minutes but 20 is just easier.

19. Dead Man's Curve doesn't scare you.

No matter how scared your parents want you to be of it, you aren't. And neither are they. You've caught them going 50 mph around it before, no matter how much they deny it.

20. You walked around downtown trying to be an extra in a Marvel movie.

We are the perfect knock off New York City, so Marvel is always in town and if you walk by at the right time, you got to be an extra. Or at least in the background.

21. You play corn-hole at every family party or any gathering.

I hear people call it "bags." I don't know what they are talking about, but I know at every party there are corn hole boards out and people waiting to play.

22. You take out of town people to The Melt.

A restaurant of just grilled cheese. How can you not love it? Bonus if you went to Lutheran West in Rocky River and get to say "The guy who founded this place graduated from my high school." I still say it even though I only went there for a year and a half. We love him there.

23. You call Lake Erie your lake.

You may not swim in it but you can't deny that is quiet pretty and our little beach is great to hang out at.

24. You can finish the line "American and..." from the Serpintini commercials.

The commercial that is played at least 100 times a day and even on the radio, there is no escaping Bob Serpintini Chevrolet.

25. You have seen every movie that even mentions Cleveland.

"Major League," "Howard the Duck," "A Christmas Story" and "Draft Day" movies for all Clevelanders to see and take pride in. If we are so bad, why do we have movies about us?

26. Campbell's isn't just soup.

The go to place when you have a sweets craving. The best and most unique popcorn and cupcakes.

27. You always wonder what the whale building is.

As a child, I always though that whales actually lived in there, but I've heard it's actually a power building. Does anyone really know what is inside?

28. You always have to throw a penny into the Tower City fountain.

Throw in a penny and make a wish, then finish your shopping. It may not be the hot spot it use to be, but you can bet that your parents threw quite a few pennies in, too, growing up.

29. You take pride in being home to the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame.

You've taken a class field trip here, maybe one on your own, and if you were lucky, your prom was here. It's a great place for musical history that attracts so many bands and people.

30. No matter how much hate the city gets, you will always take pride when you say "I'm from Cleveland."

Going around in orientations and being able to say "Hi I'm Sam and I'm from Cleveland, Ohio" is a great sense of pride.

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