3 Things You Probably Want to Know About the Richest Family in the World
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3 Things You Probably Want to Know About the Richest Family in the World

The Rothschilds own over half the World's capital

3 Things You Probably Want to Know About the Richest Family in the World
Word Press

1. The Rothschilds have held social, political, and economic control since the 16th Century.

The Rothschild's originated in Frankfurt, Germany in the early 16th century but truly are a cosmopolitan family; meaning they belong to no nationality and are willing to make investments in favor of no ONE country. Mayor Rothschild (the head of the serpent) opened a coin shop manufacturing gold coins, thus the origination of the Gold Standard. From then on, the Gold Standard would be accepted and denied periodically until late in the 19th Century where it was inherited for good. Rothschild soon learned that It was much more profitable to manufacture and loan these coins to King's and countries rather than private investors. In this method, the money was secured by nations tax dollars- similar to the United State's debt today. Mayor Rothschild had 5 sons and trained them in his incredible art of money making and then sent them to the 5 major capitals of Europe to establish banking services.

2. The family owns the Central Banking system in every country besides 3. (Yes, even the almighty United State's)

In the early 1900's the Rothschilds sought to take control of one country they had not yet fully enchained. The United State's Central bank was government ran and operated meaning there was no way for the Rothschilds to reap incredible profits off this region of the world. Alongside J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie, the radical capitalists knew they had to come up with a way to privatize the United State's Central banking system: here's how they did it. The families began to argue that the only way for a steady economy was for the Central Bank to privatize. However, with the U.S.'s economy running smoothly and arguably better than ever, it was hard for the people to pay this any attention. This is when in 1907, the Rothschilds caused the Economic Scare of 1907. To support their statement that a privatized Central Bank was the only way for a steady economy, the Rothchilds and their lieutenants (J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie) withdrew all previous investments from the United States Stock Exchange sending the country into economic catastrophe. From here, the Rothschilds were able to further their argument that the only way for a strong, steady economy was for a privatized Central Bank. With tens of thousands starving, hundreds of thousands without jobs, the people were willing to let anything happen if it meant economic salvation. Thus the creation of the United State's Privatized Federal Reserve System.

This may come as a shock to some of you, but the Federal Reserve is run by private owners, FOR PROFIT, neither federal or public. The name is a mere cover-up. However, don't take my word for it. Find a local phone book and you will see- the Federal Reserve is listed in the white pages. The section designated for business, NOT the blue pages used for Government agencies. The foremost shareholders of the Federal reserve are Rothschild bank in London and Paris, Lazard Brothers bank in Paris, Israel Moses Seif bank in Italy, Kuhn Loeb Bank in New York, Lehman bank in NY, Rockefellers Chase in New York, and finally, Goldman Sacks- New York. Upon the death of many of these banks owned by very wealthy families, it was discovered that a mere 29% of the FED was owned by these families leaving the other 69% in the hands of the Rothschilds. This privatized bank is used for private profiteering, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people. You may be wondering how... Well, the Federal Reserve System functions today as the printer of United States currency. This money is then loaned to the U.S. with interest. Interest grows and grows going straight into the pockets of these private stockholders in the FED, many of whom are international private bankers. This leads us to our next point.

3. So much wealth is in control by the Rothchilds they are able to dictate the success of any countries economy or even manipulate Wars.

I'm sure you've heard over and over again that War is one of the biggest money makers in the world. War is able to pull nearly any country out of debt. However, how is this money made and exactly who gets it? Yes, we all know that in wartime war materials must be mass produced which produces jobs, which produces more private income, which means people spend more money, which means more tax dollars in the government's pocket. However, does anyone else profit from these wars? The answer is, sadly, yes. It all began at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. This war became the banner for War profiteering and suggested that money could rather easily be made off these wars, as long as you had the money to begin with. The international Rothschilds had no care in the world for who won the battle so rather than invest in one country, or one side of the war, they invested in both sides. This way, profit is not only maximized but ensured. For just because a country loses the war does not mean they do not have to pay reparations and the country that does win, will have no problem paying these debts. Unfortunately for the losing side, interest continually grows and, therefore, these payments turn into fortunes. Similar to what is happening right now to the United States. We borrow more and more money that we can not pay back as our interest grows at an even more rapid rate. The Rothschilds have even been thought to provoke countries into wars just to further there already ridiculously high payroll.

It is estimated today that the Rothchilds own over half of the world's capital.

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