28 Ideas To Inspire Your Husband
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28 Ideas To Inspire Your Husband

Ideas To Inspire Your Husband

28 Ideas To Inspire Your Husband

A wife has the unique ability to help her husband feel the freedom to reach his fullest potential as the man God has created him to be.

There's an old joke about one of our presidents walking with his wife, who sees one of her old boyfriends in a less-than-glorious occupation. The president looks at the old boyfriend and remarks, "If you hadn't married me, you might be married to that guy."

The first lady answers calmly, "If I had married him, he'd be president."

Now, occupation is not the measure of a man. But as a wife, you do possess a unique power to inspire your husband. Your loving vision of the man he's becoming propels him toward greatness—not necessarily by the world's yardstick of success, or even your own, but by God's.

When you believe in him, he is secure. He can take the leaps of faith required to surmount fear. He can bear up under pressure, pioneer new territory.

An inspired husband feels the freedom to reach the fullest potential of the man God has created him to be. He's not merely encouraged. He's a man who's empowered; a conqueror. If you want to give your man some "wind beneath his wings"… start here.

1). Send him an e-mail. Example: "Praying for you today. Thanks for being so courageous in _."

2). Give him one night on a regular basis to do something he loves.

3. Remember a dream that he had a long time ago. Talk with him about whether it's still a dream—and still a possibility.

4. Ask God to open your eyes to the ways He has made your husband unique, and to give you wisdom about how to maximize that workmanship.

5. Have your children write him notes or letters about what they love about him as a dad.

6. Ban yourself from nagging, which is the Great Life-Sucker.

7. Ask, "If I could do one thing that would really empower you and inspire you, what would it be?" Then listen, resist being defensive (the hard part), and follow through.

8. Remind him of specific times when he's made an impact on other people's lives. "Hey, I was thinking the other day about all the time you invested in that Cub Scout troop. Wonder what those boys are doing now. It was so cool to watch them grow with you as their leader." "Our son has grown so much in encouraging people lately. He gets that from you; you are such a good example for him in that."

9. Buy him something small to stoke the fires: A journal for a writer, some carpentry pencils for a woodworker, some grilling tools for the master chef. Add a sweet note: "Just because I love the way you're made."

10. Do something fun and unexpected together. A few ideas to try: paintball; laser tag; on a spring day, have a picnic, blow bubbles, and bring the books you're reading; swing; play a pick-up game of a sport together; go to a drive-in movie, bring popcorn, and instigate a make-out session.

11. Think about a way you've been hurting him or annoying him. Or there may be ways you're not "seeing" him—not stepping into his world to understand what it's like to be him, with all of the things he cares about. Apologize, and work hard at showing true change.

12. Initiate great sex.

13. Go to a home improvement store to plan a small, doable project that energizes both of you, even if it's just painting a room or fixing up some landscaping. (Hint: Be positive that it's something by which he won't feel burdened.)

14. With quality, complete something from his to-do list for him—something that he'd rather have you do anyway.

15. Find a mutually enjoyable activity you like doing together on a regular basis, even if it's as simple as playing the Wii together after the kids are in bed.

16. Create a cheerful atmosphere when he comes home.

17. Design a date night that will help him to de-stress and have fun.

18. Discover his "love language," and become fluent in it.

19. Pray about and pursue at least one dream of your own, talking with him about it. An inspired wife breeds inspiration.

20. What's difficult about his life right now? Pray for his endurance, and encourage him specifically. Galatians 6:9 is a great start for both. Think, What can I do to ease the load he's carrying?

21. Organize or clean something in your home that you know he finds messy.

22. Send a snail-mail love note to him at the office, affirming him in his work.

23. Think of something on his honey-do list at home that he finds overwhelming or for which he doesn't have much time. Talk with him (respectfully and gently) about the possibility of hiring someone to do it. Communicate clearly that it's not because you find him incompetent, but that you want to free him up from a burden.

24. Be a student of your husband. Does he feel inspired if he has all his ducks in a row? If he has a creative space to think? If he feels verbally affirmed?

25. If your man is into dressing nice, go with him to shop for clothes in which he feels confident.

26. Let him overhear you speaking well of him on the phone, among friends, or in public places. And to your mother.

27. In his area of weakness, pray about how to subtly, gently step in and help him.

28. Tell him what a great dad he is. Be specific.


Ways to Inspire Your Husband: Accessed May 13 2019.

10 Things Every Husband Wants To Hear: Accessed May 13 2019.

Sweet Love Messages For Husband: Accessed May 13 2019.

There You go.

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