18 Thoughts At Your First Soul Cycle Class | The Odyssey Online
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18 Thoughts At Your First Soul Cycle Class

"Are you ready to sweat?!"

18 Thoughts At Your First Soul Cycle Class
St. Jude

For those who haven't been to a Soul Cycle class, you are missing out. Soul Cycle has taken over the cycling world with their selective locations and elite followers. With celebrities like Katie Holmes and Gisele Bundchen it's no surprise Soul Cycle has such a cult following. Their classes are fun and force you to push yourself to the limit. Your first time at Soul Cycle is definitely a new experience. Here are 18 of your thoughts at your first Soul Cycle class.

1. OMG where did everyone get their cute outfits?

You roll up in leggings you have been wearing all week and a huge T-shirt while the super moms around you are wearing coordinating lululemon outfits with SOUL written all over them. I didn’t know there was a dress code…

2. Some people have their own shoes.

Where do I get my shoes? Help!

You’re not even sure what to think of cycling shoes. They look weird and make you walk funny.

3. *The doors open up from the class before you* A group of sweaty women emerge from the room and you’re pretty sure they had just been to H*LL and back.

You have never seen so much sweat on a person before. Maybe that one time you went to hot yoga. But you were too hungover to participate and thought you were going to straight up die on your mat.

4. Time to find your assigned bike.

Of course, yours is in the last row but getting all the way back there is going to be a challenge. The people around you have already set up their bike and are spinning their hearts out to warm up before the class. Can you count climbing the steps to the back row a warm up?

5. The instructor is so fit and peppy and smiling.

Is it too late to escape?! Where is the closest exit?!

The instructor is already playing upbeat music and calling out the regulars in their class. If I keep my head down for the entire class maybe they won't notice me dreaming about tacos in the back row.

6. How the F*&K do I make my seat a normal height?

Oh no. One of the assistants just made eye contact with me and they can tell I'm struggling. They know this is my first class and they are about to announce it to everyone. *just act natural*

7. The class is starting!

The moment you’ve been waiting for. You’ve set up your complimentary towel and ‘Smart Water’ and you're ready to go. You're in the zone and ready to kill your first Soul Cycle class.

8. The music is amazing, so inspiring.

I'm definitely going to follow the instructor on Spotify.

The first two songs were jams. The instructor is like my music spirit animal. Spinning is so fun!

9. “Okay class stand up and crunch"

WTF. How do you do a crunch on a bike? Is it okay if I just sit down and pretend to crunch? How does everyone do it simultaneously?!

10. “Now work the oblique"

You don’t even know what an oblique is. But something hurts so it must be your oblique.

11. Just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

I am probably scaring the people around me. How does everyone look so flawless. Beyoncé isn’t even here and everyone looks as good as she would. Remind me to never bring my future significant other to a class with me.

12. I cannot turn up the resistance anymore.

If the instructor tells me to push myself one more time I'm going to throw my 'Smart Water' at them. If you followed all the resistance on your first class you are lying.

13. “Alright ladies were going to tackle another hill”

At this point, I have given up and am sitting in my chair trying not to fall over. If I stay low enough no one will notice me. These women are totally superheroes in their spare time. No normal person can actually do this.

14. We’re at the point in the class where it’s time to sit and lift some weights.

Finally a break. Damn these women are still peddling. You're totally into giving your legs a break and focusing your full attention on your arms.

15. Sh*t I can barely lift the baby weights and these bicep curls are starting to hurt.

Yup, my whole body will be sore tomorrow. But at least, my legs are getting a break and I can wipe the sweat off my face and not scare the tweens in front of me.

16. Okay, last big hill and the class is over.

You can do this. You have survived everything so far. Push yourself to the breaking point cause you know once you’re at the top of the hill all you have to do is go down.

17. Finished

You did it! You are on top of the world! You are queen!

18. You walk out of the class like the baddest b*itch in the place.

You are officially a soul cycle expert and can come next week ready to kick ass. You put your towel and shoes in the baskets and realize everyone is just a sweaty as you are. Nothing to be embarrassed about because you just killed it!
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