17 Horror Movies Coming in 2017
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17 Horror Movies Coming in 2017

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17 Horror Movies Coming in 2017

At one point or another, we've all asked the question, "What new movies are coming out?" Well, unfortunately in 2017 the answer to that question will be "none," for the horror genre at least. Seriously though, when I first began researching this, I was a little taken aback by the sheer amount of unoriginal content being released. Most of the films that I found were either remakes, reboots or sequels in already well-established franchises. And although I am legitimately intrigued by some, it makes you wonder what is happening to the imaginations of those in the film industry. Here are 17 of the "new" horror movies coming in 2017.

1. "Friday the 13th" (January 13, 2017)

Stated to be an origin story of our favorite hockey mask wearing, machete wielding slasher, this film claims to "answer the questions that nobody has asked."

2. "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" (January 27, 2017)

Although the "Resident Evil" franchise has begun to feel more like science fiction than horror at this point, I'm still holding out hope that this will serve as the series' redemption.

3. "Annabelle 2" (May 19, 2017)

While the original wasn't particularly horrifying (in my opinion), the story was extremely interesting. That alone has me excited to see where David F. Sandberg takes us this time around.

4. "World War Z 2" (June 9, 2017)

While I may not have enjoyed the first "World War Z," many people did enjoy the fast-paced zombie film so I understand the excitement surrounding an equally action-packed sequel.

5. "It" (September 8, 2017)

This is definitely going to be either hit or miss. As the reboot of a classically chilling film that fostered a fear of clowns (and red balloons) in generations of viewers, this movie has some pretty big clown shoes to fill. (Wow, that was a bad pun.)

6. "Insidious: Chapter 4" (October 20, 2017)

So far every movie in this franchise has been exceptionally thrilling so I would be fairly disappointed if this film was anything but.

7. "Saw: Legacy" (TBD)

Damn, Jigsaw. Back at it again with the horrifyingly sadistic death games.

8. "Hellraiser: Judgement" (TBD)

Wow, this franchise was definitely the cause of many, many of my nightmares as a child. It kind of makes me excited to see a sequel in Pinhead's horrific series.

9. "Jeepers Creepers 3: Cathedral" (TBD)

Set 23 years after Trish and Darry's meeting with the Creeper as Trish attempts to prevent her brother's fate from becoming her son's.

10. "Chucky 7" (TBD)

Well, two haunted dolls in one year isn't too bad if you ask me. In this sequel we get to see Chucky reunited with his ex wife in order to exact revenge

11. "Mom and Dad" (TBD)

Brian Taylor teams up with Nicholas Cage to create a film about a teenage girl and her little brother who must survive a horrifying 24 hours of their parents trying to kill them.

12. "Children of the Corn: Runaway" (TBD)

The world's creepiest children return to reap more havoc on the world. And this is why I don't trust kids...or corn fields...or anyone named Malachai.

13. "Halloween" (TBD)

Not much is known about the film as of yet besides the fact that is is set for release some time in October of next year and that John Carpenter, who is determined to bring the franchise back to its dark roots, is heavily involved.

14. "Death House" (TBD)

In this film, we follow two federal agents as they fight their way through nine levels of Hell inside of a secret prison known as "Death House" as a prison break unleashes unknown horrors. I don't know, I'm kind of digging the Dante's "Inferno" vibe this film is giving off. It also gets bonus points for originality!

15. "Flatliners" (TBD)

A remake of the 90's cult classic where medical students experiment on "near death experiences" involving past tragedies only to reap the horrifying consequences of their actions.

16. "Kong: Skull Island" (March 10, 2017)

This film, fronted by Tom Hiddleston tells the origin story of the colossal ape. Hiddleston's involvement alone is enough to foster both intrigue and skepticism.

17. "The Dark Tower" (February 17, 2017)

In this adaptation of Stephen King's novel staring Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey, we get to watch as a Gunslinger known as Roland Deschain roams around a Western-themed landscape in search a the dark tower, which he hopes will preserve his dying world.

What movies are you excited for in 2017?

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