15 Ways To Stop A Panic Attack Without Medication | The Odyssey Online
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15 Ways To Stop A Panic Attack Without Medication

Are you feeling anxious? Check out these helpful tips to stop a panic attack in its tracks!

15 Ways To Stop A Panic Attack Without Medication
Huffington Post

Now and then I've found myself in a panic. My chest gets heavy, I start getting sweaty, and It's hard to get a good breath in. I've come to realize that I'm not the only one who experiences this, so I figured It would be kind to extend my remedies to others. Panic attacks can strike at any moment without warning. They don't care if you're taking an important exam, or out to dinner with family because they're relentless and unforgiving. So, I've gathered some tips and tricks to use if panic ever creeps up on you.

First thing's first:

If you're driving, pull over. This is probably the most crucial step to take if panic pays you a visit while you're on the road. If you feel anxiety creeping up on you while in a social situation, excuse yourself to a rest room if possible. That being said, let's get into the tips and tricks!

1. Find an object in the room you're in

It could be a light switch, picture frame, ceiling/floor tile, water bottle, etc. Now focus on this object. Take note of its color, texture, size, shape, and use. For example: Picture frame, small, square, black, smooth, holds pictures. Now move onto a different object and keep doing so until you begin to feel calmer.

This is the best method if you're in a situation where you can't get to the other remedies, such as in a class or a meeting at work.

SEE ALSO:How Girls With Anxiety Love Differently

2. Chew gum

This will give you a task to focus your mind on. Focus on the gum's flavor. Is it mint? bubblegum? or bubble-mint? Switch the gum from the left side of your mouth to the right. Chew on the left side three times, then chew on the right side three times. Once you chewed the gum on both sides of your mouth 3 times, repeat this process but double the amount of times you chew each time. For example, 3 times on the right, 3 times on the left. 6 times on the right, 6 times on the left. 12 times on the right, 12 on the left, Etc... repeat until you feel calm, or can't do math anymore.

3. Green tea

Make sure it's decaffeinated to avoid caffeine induced anxiety. Sip it slowly and focus on the warmth of the liquid.

4. Adult coloring books

Don't judge, I swear they help!

5. Stress ball

or something squishy to move around in your hand. notice the object's color and texture. Imagine your anxiety being transferred from your body into the object.

6. Music

Works either alone or in combination with other remedies! This is usually my go-to remedy.

SEE ALSO:Understanding What It's Like To Live With An Anxiety Disorder

7. Notice where the tension is in your body.

Is your chest heavy? Are you clenching your jaw? Are your shoulders stiff? Find the body part that the tension is in, and imagine it being sucked out of you with a vacuum. (Sounds dumb but has worked for me in the past.)

8. Find a dark room

If you're in a house and have access to a quiet room, this method is perfect! Make sure the room is completely dark. Turn off all the lights, and close the blinds. Now, make yourself comfortable! Grab a fluffy blanket or some fuzzy pillows. I've found this method to be helpful while dealing with overstimulation from daily activities. This gives me a chance to relax without bright light or noise.

9. Grab an ice pack

Go to your freezer and get an ice pack, preferably the ones your mom used to put in your lunch box. If you don't own one, regular ice will work fine, it may just melt a bit! Put the ice or ice pack directly onto your skin with no towel around it. Focus on how bitterly cold the ice feels on your skin. This has helped me in the past to take my focus away from my thoughts and bring me back to reality in a healthy way.

10. Focus on your body

Start with your toes and slowly work your way up to your head! Focus on how your toes feel. Now scrunch them up a few times. Now move to your legs. Stretch them out and focus on how they feel. Do this for every body part while stretching and focusing on each as you go along. This will help bring your attention to your body.

11. Heating pad

This method is similar to the ice pack trick, although some people don't like the cold and prefer heat. Put the heating pad on the highest setting that you can stand, and focus on how the heat feels on your skin.

12. Yoga

It will help, I promise! There are hundreds of videos on YouTube you can follow along with. Type into the search bar, "yoga for stress relief". You won't be disappointed!

13. Talk to yourself

Keep repeating to yourself that there is nothing wrong with you, and you're not in any danger. Say it out loud, or say it in your head. Your body is just doing its job to protect you, although it may not seem that way.

14. Write

I know not everybody loves to write as much as others do, but writing down your thoughts can help relieve pressure. Even if you just write down quick little bullet points in the notes app on your phone, this can definitely help to get your thoughts out of your head and onto something else.

15. Fidgeting

Although this may sound odd, find something to fidget with. This can be the string on your hoodie, a piece of paper, clicking a pen, etc. Just by focusing your attention on a mindless task can help to relieve some nervous energy.

Although some of these tips may be helpful, it's important to seek professional help if panic attacks are frequent or cause other issues in your life. They are a real issue and should not be taken lightly. Hopefully one of these may appeal to you, and you can use them the next time you begin to feel panicky.

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