15 Moments All Girls Can Relate To
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15 Moments All Girls Can Relate To

Been there, done that.

15 Moments All Girls Can Relate To

Girls do the darnedest things that seem to make perfect sense at the moment. Those embarrassing little quirks we had when we were younger, or still have now, will always stick in our memories. We have all had our moments, and we should be proud of each and every one of them! Here are a few of the many things that all us girls have done:

1. Play Mom

Admit it, you thought your babydoll was real, and you protected her plastic head with your life. It was a necessity that you changed her outfit every day and made sure she had her bottle. You learned how to hold a baby, even though now when your third cousin hands yu her baby, it weighs eight more pounds than your doll did so it's quite awkward and uncomfortable (not to mention this baby has a real head and not a plastic one).

2. Play Chef

Along with being the mom of your bedroom, you were also the chef for all of your dolls and stuffed animals. As you grew older and were allowed to cook food that wasn't plastic, you would pretend you were Rachel Ray. Imagining a camera and live audience made the process much more exhilarating!

3. Make Up a Dance

Nobody will ever see it, and that may be a good thing! We have all had that one jam that we couldn't sit still through. The second you were alone, you would break out in a dance that you will forever do every time that throwback comes on.

4. Imagine Your Crush

You know that one boy that you really, really liked? The one you used to imagine was by your side during family functions and random everyday tasks? It was easy to imagine him being there and how he would act because you were totally and completely obsessed with him.

5. Dream of Your Wedding

By the time you turned 12, your wedding was completely planned. Every detail was drawn out all the way down to what color nail polish the doves flying overhead would be wearing. We can just leave it at that.

6. Lose the Friend You Thought Would Be There Forever

When dreaming of your wedding, you didn't know who the groom would be, but you knew your best friend would be by your side. Whether you grew apart in personality or one of you changed location, you will always wonder why she's no longer your best friend. You miss her dearly, but you know it happened for a reason.

7. Find a Role Model in A Movie Character

Whether it was Mia in "Princess Diaries," Bridget in "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" or Britney in "Bring it On," we all fell in love with the style and personality of a movie character. We wanted to be just like them when we got to high school. We dressed like them, talked like them and picked up similar hobbies.

8. Break Out in "HSM" Dances

Whether we are willing to admit it or not, we all know the High School Musical dances. If All in This Together came on right now, you could and would do it.

9. Make Bad Purchases

Ever think about how much money you would have to your name if you hadn't wasted so much when you were young and dumb? Think of all the Ugg Boots and Coach purses you dropped hundreds on. Now think about where they are now and how often they are used. Need I say more?

10. Spend Hours Painting Your Nails

You are not a true girl if you haven't painted your nails, taken it off, painted them again, taken it off, painted them again and so on, just to end up picking it off in math class the next day.

11. Hairy Shower Walls

We have all done it. That pesky long hair that won't leave your skin no mater how much water hits it. You pinch and grab at it as it clings from one hand to the other. Finally you get a handle on it and your natural reaction is to stick it to the wet tile wall in a very delicate way so that it does not jump back on you.

12. The Eyeliner Phase

Looking back at that 6th-grade school picture and wondering why your mother let you leave the house like that. I guess it distracted from the neon pink and green rubber bands on your braces though, right?

13. Hair Growth Pic-Stitch

Every other week you make your best friend take a picture of the back of your head so that you can collage it together with the picture from last week. Nine times out of ten, it hasn't grown a noticeable difference yet, but you still do it regularly.

14. Stare in the Mirror

Sometimes you just have to examine yourself. You want to take in the full effect of how you really look. You do a few facial expressions to make sure they aren't too ugly to share with the world and then you are on your way.

15. Laugh at Yourself

No matter what crazy thing you catch yourself doing, you always know that you are in fact still sane. You have learned over the years to be able to laugh it off and continue on with life. You are awesome and have girl power. No matter how much you regret painting your room hot pink with cheetah print accents, you can always look back and laugh at your past self.

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