15 Things I Will Miss About Shippensburg Summer Party
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15 Things I Will Miss About Shippensburg Summer Party

As senior year approaches, and summer party rolls around it's time to reflect on what I will miss about this event.

15 Things I Will Miss About Shippensburg Summer Party

As I head into my senior year at Shippensburg University, I've begun to reflect on the things I will miss most about this campus. Of course, since it is that time of year again, Summer Party seemed to be the best topic for this article. I know I can still come back as alumni, especially next year, but at the end of the day, it won't be completely the same experience. Plus, who knows where my career will take me after graduation, so this could truly be my last summer party in Shippensburg.

1. The Anticipation of Reuniting with College Friends

The best part of summer party? By far, it's getting out of our hometown high school groups and escaping to Ship. It's so much nicer to hang out with your friends when homework is not looming over your head and you can just spend a weekend together.

2. Coming Back to Campus

During the day there's just something comforting about walking through the quad and enjoying the nice weather. And of course, you will be needing some Dunkin' Donuts or Starbucks the next few mornings to bring you back to life.

3. Finding A Place to Stay

If you haven't struggled with finding a place to stay during summer party...count your blessings. Even though it is a pain to realize you may have to share a cramped room with 12 or more people, at the end of the day it's worth it. It means you all wake up hot messes together and bond over your growling stomachs in the morning. Can anyone, say Select Diner?

4. Select Diner for Breakfast, Lunch, and 3 A.M. Snack?

What is it about the diner in Shippensburg that sends the college kids into a frenzy? For me it's definitely the disco fries and they will be the item I miss the most. But in reality, it's the fact you can always count on the diner to fill your tummies when they begin to rumble, and for any veteran of summer party, this is a necessity (especially for those late night cravings).

5. Late Night Adventures Across Campus

So this actually started last summer party when Pokemon Go! was still a thing. We would take adventures during the day when we were not partaking in the actual summer partying to go and collect Pokemon, as well as pick up the Pokestops and hatch eggs. But it is still a bonding experience I will miss dearly.

6. Wibs Restored to Its Full Glory

Unless you actually decide to stay in Ship for the summer like I did this year, and of course are 21, it's hard to imagine the bar dead. And I mean there's no one but the staff and it's a normal bar, not its usual nightclub-feel. But then summer party rolls around and it turns back into the wonderful place I have declared my home. Love it or hate it, Wibs should always be packed.

7. The Ugly Photos

While not all photos during summer party are awful, the best ones are. These are the photos that hold the most memories of summers gone by, and have the best stories attached to them. I mean you know there is one stored on your phone from last summer party where you were all too tired to shower so you went into public with greasy hair.

8. Frat Row

I will always love Frat Row, in fact, I feel like it's where my true college experience began. But during summer party it becomes a truly magical place. Usually, the frats get along and divide up music responsibility, so it's not a constant war. Not to mention everyone mingles with each other outside, from the ASP freshman to recent alumni.

9. Freshmen Looking Like Freshmen

Maybe because I never went to Summer Party as a Freshman this appeals to me. Every year you see the newbies wearing their lanyards around their necks with the Ship Student ID and dorm keys attached. They are also usually sporting heels and dresses made for clubbing when they are on frat. It still amazes me, but as I look at them I realize any one of these freshmen could be joining the same clubs and activities I'm involved in and take the positions I once held. They are the future of Ship...so I beg of them stop wearing lanyards around your neck.

10. High Schoolers Trying to Be Cool

News travels fast in this little town of Shippensburg and somehow every summer party high schoolers show up. I just don't understand the appeal since I avoided my hometown college like it was the plague, but they definitely provide entertainment if you like to people-watch. They try to fit in with the college students by drinking more than they can handle, only to meet a fate worse than death in the morning. (The hangover is strong with this one).

11. Dollar Rails

Well, to be fair, this is occurring like normal at UGrille during the summer, just like it does in the fall. But still, who doesn't love coming back to Ship if only to get $1 drinks at the bar? (Maybe people under 21). I don't know any bars back home that offer up a deal this good, and it's a great pregame to Wibs, Richard, or Frat.

12. Being the Mom or Dad

At least once you will be the responsible one during summer party. Whether it's due to not having alcohol on the first day or just deciding you were too sick from drinking last night and aren't touching alcohol. This means pulling your friend from a frat or sorority bathroom, even though she does not want to leave and then getting them safely back home. At least you have the satisfaction of getting everyone home, even if you'd rather be drinking.

13. Day Drinking

Yes this happens throughout the semester, but with summer party it's a little more special. I mean where else am I going to see people drinking on their lawns at eight or nine in the morning. I truly do not know how we survive this weekend when you drink from when you wake up until three in the morning.

14. Meeting New Friends

The people you meet while at summer party and the stories you hear are probably the best memories you will have. You hear all about their lives including weird sex stories, but it leads to building friendships and hilarious stories.

15. Ship Happens

What I will miss most though is the fact this weekend is the definition of Ship Happens. No matter where the weekend takes you one thing is for sure you will regret at least one choice.

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