15 Reasons Your High School Best Friends Are One Of A Kind | The Odyssey Online
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15 Reasons Your High School Best Friends Are One Of A Kind

Life would not be the same without them.

15 Reasons Your High School Best Friends Are One Of A Kind

We all have those groups of people that we have the constant group message with, who we get so overly excited to see on our breaks, and knows you like no other; and those people would be your high school best friends. Here are the reasons they are the best of the best:

1. They know the real you.

Whether you met freshman or senior year, the bond your group of friends have is irreplaceable and they were there for you for some of the toughest decisions you had to make before you went your separate ways.

2. They were there for you when you dealt with high school boy drama.

From the heartbreaks, to the late nights with ice cream, crying, and chick flicks, they were there to give you a hug, or made sure you looked like you were happy and moved on when they boy who broke your heart walked by.

3. They celebrated those tests you did not study for, but somehow managed to pass.

You know you did not study, but you are dreading checking your grade. So you check it with your best friends around, and scream because you miraculously passed. They are there to give you a high five and wonder just as much as you as to how you passed.

4. Those girls nights you always did? Yeah, those were the best.

From laughing until you cry, junk food, deep conversations, and somehow it turning into one of the weirdest conversations possible or a late night adventure, they are still some of the best nights in high school.

5. During those girls nights, one memory always lead to endless reminiscing.

Especially when you and your girls get back together for a college break, somehow you get on the topic of all the crazy high school drama that you went through and laugh about how much we cared about that kind of stuff, or realize how low key crazy your friends were and still are, but love them for it.

6. They made lunch fun.

Countless times, especially senior year, the thing that would always be said was, "Why do we even have lunch? Can we just go to our last period?" But those 45-minute lunches were some of the best times with your friends, maybe even the best time to memorize that speech you have to give while you have your best friends quiz you. But in the end, lunch was probably our favorite period of the day.

7. You all went through those weird style trends together, and rocked it.

There was the crop top phase, the see-through back phase, the very short shorts phase, the maxi skirt phase, and also Victoria Secret yoga pants being worn with everything phase. Through it all, you and your friends tackled those trends together and made them look good (well, tried to).

8. You spent your Friday nights under the lights watching your football team play.

From being decked out in your school colors, to all the chants, and mostly importantly standing in the stands with your best friends, you all cheered and laughed even if your team lost. Friday night home football games were the things that everyone looked forward to, and was one of the most bittersweet things when it was the last one you all would attend as students.

9. You went through all those corny and fun spirit days together.

From twin day and battle of the sexes, to tacky tourist day and decking out in school colors, it was always seeing who busted out the best costume of the day. And also who could rock socks and sandals the best on tacky tourist day.

10. They helped you pick out what college to go to.

When our best friends applied and went to their dream school that is out of state or far away from the school you want to go to, of course you celebrated with them. But a piece of you was sad because the reality of college and not going to the same school as your best friends ever again was starting to hit all of us. Choosing your college was always the topic of the day, including the pros and cons, and eventually we all made our decisions.

11. During the last semester of high school, they were your therapist, number one fan, and your rock.

From the stress and the decisions to make, they were always right there by your side. You can never express your gratitude to them because when it comes down to it, their presence was just enough to keep you sane.

12. You went through all of the "last of the lasts together."

Senior prom, senior sunset/sunrise, last high school dance, last first day of school, and the last day of high school, you name it, they were there. Every last moment was bittersweet, and you wish things did not have to change. You pouted and said, "I do not want to grow up anymore," but at least you had your best friends by your side to go through all those moments together. Walking out of the event or game, you would all look at each other and say, "Well that is the last time we will ever do that."

13. You saw each other grow up.

Even from the beginning of senior year until the end, we all had to make adult decisions and you and your best friends realized that you are all growing up and going to be going your separate ways soon, but you are proud of your friends for the accomplishments that they have made, for the people they have become, and the people they will be.

14. On graduation day, you and your best friends showed up with your caps and gowns, looking at each other knowing this is the day where everything changes.

There is a twinkle in everyone's eyes, we all say we are not going to cry but we all know at least one of us will. We all walk out holding hands, waving to our friends and family in the stands. We look down to each other as the ceremony begins and we cannot help but smile -- this is the day. These people make our hearts whole, and a smile is the only reaction we have to each other. With certificates in our hand, they announce the graduating class and there is smiles and tears everywhere, but all that matters is you are with your girls.

15. No matter where life takes each of us, or how many new people we meet, they will always be your best friends.

They will never be replaced, they will always be a phone call away, there will never be anyone else like them. There is nobody else you would want to go through the journey of life with, and we all cherish each other more than ever. They are your people, always and forever.

To my best friends; I love every single one of you with all my heart. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I would not be the person I am today with you all. Thanks for all the memories, and I cannot wait for the even better memories to come.

Love you all more, xoxo

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