14 Moments FromĀ 2014 You'll Never Forget
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14 Moments From 2014 You'll Never Forget

Because this year was unforgettable

14 Moments From 2014 You'll Never Forget

From Beyonce and Taylor to Ebola and Isis, this year was the most memorable yet for our generation. We asked our writers for some of their highlights and this is what we found.

1. Greeks Under Scrutiny...Again.

In 2014, the Greek community faced many setbacks. According to the New York Times, more than 55 colleges and universities are under federal investigation after accusations that the institutions improperly handled sexual assault cases. This list was made public to pressure schools to prevent these attacks. Sexual Assault was not the only headlines our community faced, it was the loss of life of our members. Prompting more public scrutiny on the community, highlighting the negative of a few and dismissing the hard work most of us do on philanthropy year round to make a difference in this world. As members of this community, we have the opportunity to make a great impact. We are resilient.Ā 

2. Taylor Swift tells Spotify they are never, ever getting back together.

Taylor Swift released her album 1989 and sold over 1.3 Million albums in the first week. The most albums sent in one week since our childhood queen Brittany Spears released Oops! ā€¦ I Did It Again in 2000. Then Taylor left Spotify. Will there be a break up song? I hope so.Ā 

3. Saying goodbye to Robin Williams.Ā 

Robin Williams, one of the greatest comedians of our time, passed away. People around the world stopped to pay their respects to a man who truly brought happiness to the world. Good Morning, Vietnam.Ā 

4. Ice Ice Baby: ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.Ā 

Ā  Remember when our news-feeds were saturated with this? If you don't you were living under a rock. ALS Ice Bucket challenge went viral on social media during the summer to promote awareness to this disease and encourage donations to research. Over 2.4 million tagged videos circulated Facebook and it was a success, receiving $41.8 million in donations in just two months.Ā 

5. The Ebola scare took over the world.Ā 

People everywhere were terrified of contracting this life-threatening disease especially when first cases were appearing in the US. It was a legitimate health concern exaggerated by various misunderstandings, prompting stricter protocols in hospitals. To date, the death toll is 7,897 and two in the US.Ā 

6. Ferguson and Police Brutality.Ā 

The fatal shooting of Michael Brown brought the issue of police brutality to light. New policies for police are being discussed and implemented to keep them accountable for their actions and hopefully prevent future confusion in cases like these. Riots, both peaceful and violence, have broken out over the matter. This issue has been on the verge of bursting and this will not be the last time we hear this.Ā 

7. Bey and Jay: Trouble in paradise?Ā 

We saw that there was some trouble in paradise when Beyonce's sister Solange attacked Jay-Z in an elevator brawl. Solange says that she is just protective over her sister and things seem to have calmed down after the altercation. So the world can sit back down and relax but who knows what could happen in 2015.Ā 

Solange, you mad?Ā 

8. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West had their "American Royal Wedding" this year.Ā 

Since then Kimye has been seen all over the tabloids with their daughter North West. This marriage lasted more than 72 days so that's a win for Kim. Not to mention, it had the most likes on Instagram. Double win.Ā 

9. NFL: Addressing Assault and Domestic Violence.Ā 

After assault charges against NFL players and domestic violence cases came to light (most notably Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson), the NFL endorsed new policies for greater punishment for these offenses. According to a CNN report, " The new measures include a more extensive list of prohibited conduct, independent investigative procedures, and specific criteria on paid leave for an individual charged with a violent crime". It won't be long before other leagues join in.Ā 

10. Bill Cosby and Rape Accusations.Ā 

Bill Cosby, one of the faces of our childhood for his work on The Cosby Show, faced rape accusations. Many women are now coming forward sharing their stories. As time goes on, we will be sure to hear more on this.Ā 

11. ISIS or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.Ā 

ISIS or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, a rebel group in Iraq and Syria, began moving troops. ISIS became a household name when the first American journalist, James Foley, was beheaded. Ever since, they have been gaining ground and allies and is responsible for several other hostage's deaths. It has been classified a terrorist group by the United Nations, the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Indonesia, Canada, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.Ā 

12. Justin Bieber's deposition video came out and we all saw just what a jerk he is. And the world was not surprised.Ā 

He didn't take it seriously and made his annoyance clear by throwing side eye and scowls left and right. This was all before he said "I was found on YouTube ... I think I was detrimental to my own career." Too true Justin. Too true.Ā 

13. World Cup in Brazil.Ā 

Brazil hosted the World Cup and soccer fans finally had something to celebrate. Who doesn't love a month of soccer? In order to hose this, the Brazilian government forked over $14 billion US dollars. Between faulty construction over a freeway pass and construction breaches on the stadium, of course this would not be without its controversies. But hey! Germany defeated Argentina 1-0 to win it all! What a game!Ā 

14. Flappy Bird Obsession.Ā 

Flappy Bird became an obsession among smart phone users everywhere. No one could understand why it was so hard to keep that little bird alive. Eventually it was removed from the app store. PS if you haven't deleted it, don't. You never know when you'll want to feel the utter disappointment of seeing "Game Over." Still confused how this became such a thing.

PuttingĀ this mildly, this year was not without its shock and entertainment. To those ones we lost, you will be forever in our hearts.Ā Cheers to another year, may we make this year count.

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