13 Reasons To Love Twenty One Pilots
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13 Reasons To Love Twenty One Pilots

There are not 21 pilots, there are only two men, but it's so much more than that.

13 Reasons To Love Twenty One Pilots

"We are Twenty One Pilots, and so are you."

In 2013, I was scrolling through YouTube for new music to listen to before I went off to college. I came across a song called "Holding Onto You" by a band with a rather weird name. Twenty One Pilots? Why were there so many pilots? I figured there were 21 band members, but after some investigation, I found that the band consisted of only two members: Tyler Joseph (aka TyJo) and Joshua Dun (aka JD). In 2014, I had the chance to attend one of their concerts, and I had the privilege to actually meet them. Anyone who has spent five minutes around me knows that this band is my favorite band. I love Twenty One Pilots, and here are 13 why you should too:

1. Josh's drumming skills

Josh is so passionate about what he does. Whenever he drums, he looks unbelievably happy (and he also looks unbelievably attractive).

2. They always give hope

They are a small band; when it was just the two of them, Tyler was worried that they would not be able to put on a good enough show. They had a dream to play their own music and impact lives, and they have accomplished that. They have gone through hardships but they continue to give out the message to "stay alive." If they can do that, you can do anything you want (except illegal things, obviously).

3. Friendship goals

Watch a Twenty One Pilots interview, music video or a concert. You can easily tell just how close these two are. They genuinely and truly care about each other.

4. Original songs

It is 2016. Usually bands and artists have other people write the lyrics to songs. But Tyler Joseph does not partake in such things. He has written his own songs for years and years. If you do not believe me, just listen to "TB Saga;" he had the help of a couple other people, but those are original TyJo lyrics.

5. Skeleton Clique

Okay, I can be the first to admit that the Skeleton Clique can sometimes be the worst fandom to be a part of. But that is only sometimes. The Skeleton Clique can actually be extremely supportive. We understand that this band has saved our lives in different ways. I have met some of my closest friends because of the Skeleton Clique. I promise that we are not always intimidating, and there are some of us who are very inclusive of the new fans.

6. The meaning behind the band name

Tyler came up with the name while studying "All My Sons" by Arthur Miller, a play about a man who must decide what is best for his family after causing the death of 21 pilots during WWII because he knowingly sent them faulty parts for the good of his business. Tyler explains that this story of moral dilemma was the inspiration for the name of the band.

7. They don't really have a genre

"What do you mean they have to have a genre?" Each of their albums sounds different. Each of their songs sounds different. The band themselves has labeled their genre has schizophrenic pop, but there are many rock and indie and even Christian genre influences.

8. Band breakups

This band is ridiculous. Ridiculous in a cute, goofy way. At least once a week, Tyler and Josh both kick each other out of the band for the stupidest reasons or for no reason at all. You can see this happen on their personal twitter accounts. It usually only lasts for at most a few hours, so no need to worry.

9. Tyler's tattoos

No one knows what his tattoos mean. You can ask him about them if you ever meet him in person, but he will request that you do not post the meanings anywhere online. All we know is that the tattoos that cover his arms and chest represent something that has saved his life.

10. Blurryface

We are thankful for Blurryface. We know that Tyler is fighting the demons within himself to make the music that he wants and not the music other people want him to make. But we cannot forget that even Josh has Blurryface following him around; not many people know that Josh is afraid to play the drums in front of audiences, but he continues to be Josh Drum because he knows how important the music is to people. Obviously, Tyler and Josh play music because they love it, but they also do it for us.

11. They interact with the fans

If you have ever gone to one of their concerts, you can see Josh Dun sitting in front of his drum set on a little island that the audience holds up. For the Emotional Roadshow Tour, Tyler gets into a hamster ball, and he crawls all over the audience. They interact with the fans in weird ways, but also in caring ways. During a concert, a fan got hurt in the pit while the intro to a song was playing, and Tyler made sure she was okay before continuing on with the song.

12. Their music can give you the feels

Despite sounding rather upbeat, most of their songs can be very emotional. The lyrics strike a chord in your heart and make you really think. Not going to lie, I have cried quite a few times when listening to "Kitchen Sink."

13. Their music videos

Twenty One Pilots music videos are so different than what we usually see. For example the "House of Gold" music video. You wouldn't expect anyone else to have a video of a man with only his torso trying to pull himself up a hill toward a house.

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