11 Ways You Know You Go To WWU
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11 Ways You Know You Go To WWU

I promise only one of them is about weed.

11 Ways You Know You Go To WWU

Western Washington University, in addition to being the northernmost university in the continental Untied States, has some very distinguishing features that separate it from most other colleges. Some of them are good, and some of them are...uh...endearingly irritating. But, you can definitely say you know you go to Western if you can relate to any of the following:

1. You know this statue as “Man Humping Bear.”

Though officially it’s known as “The Man Who Used to Hunt Cougar for Bounty,” most of us know it as “Man Humping Bear.” It’s always worth a laugh and a head-shake when showing your parents, friends, or siblings around the campus.

2. You consider yourself personal friends with most of the deer on campus.

And you can also tell who the freshmen are by seeing who takes a bunch of pictures of them during fall quarter. By your sophomore year (or even by winter quarter) you don’t feel the need to take pictures anymore; the deer just hang out in your front yard sometimes if you live on south campus.

3. You are accustomed to being harassed by protesters in Red Square...

For just about any cause, really. From people protesting Bruce Shepard from both the right and the left, Brother Jed and his army of evangelists reminding us to repent, urges to divest or to make tuition $0; you’re guaranteed to be hassled at least once every couple of weeks in the winter, and even more in the spring and fall.

4. You either live in Fairhaven or secretly wish you did (while still trash-talking it).

There are two kinds of freshman: Those who did live in Fairhaven, and the ones who walk through sometimes and realize it’s the most Western part of Western. Everyone wishes that they lived there, thanks to the outdoorsiness, the trees, the building style, the pond, but to compensate we have to remind our friends that they’re “damn pot-smoking tie-dye hippies.”

5. The sight of other students running around with orange bandanas is no reason for confusion.

Again, two types of students: Those who play Humans vs. Zombies, and those who can’t stand the first kind. Even though it’s only one week long twice a year, HvZ has its fair share of lovers and haters. Personally, I play, but I can see why you might find it obnoxious. But, let me tell you, it’s a ton of fun!

6. But the floors in Bond Hall have confused you at some point.

If I recall correctly, the floors go 1, M (?), 2, 2(?), 3, 4? It’s especially hard if you have a class on one of the two second floors. And if you take the elevator down to the basement instead of the first floor, it looks like you’ve wandered into a terrifying dungeon.

7. You were late to class at least once watching them destroy Carver Gym.

It was oddly satisfying watching them absolutely demolish the sad, old building. I have to admit that I definitely was late to journalism when they were ripping up the front walls. New Carver better look pretty amazing.

8. You’ve smelled people (or are the people) smoking pot in the Arb.

Another one of those “two kinds of people” ones; almost all Western students have been in the arb (and if you haven’t go now, like right now), and you have definitely smelled the freshly burned marijuana in the air (probably Fairhaven kids, though I'm joking...mostly). Just another reminder that sometimes we live up to our Bellingham stereotype!

9. The fountain has sprayed you in the fall or spring a lot.

While it’s extremely majestic, the Red Square fountain has its little quirks. Even though it does go down in the wind, there are always the first couple of seconds before it adjusts to the wind where you can get really soaked. Totally worth it though, and some days it can even feel nice, when the sun decides to shine up this far north.

10. You know the difference between the two Starbucks on campus.

The one in the Viking Commons is NOT a real Starbucks ...but it has better donuts and bagels and there’s hardly ever a line. The one in Arntzen may have a constant line of caffeine-addicts, but if you want real Starbucks drink, that’s the place to go.

11. You know and accept Mallard Ice Cream as the only appropriate place to get ice cream in Bellingham.

Once you go to Mallards, you never want to go anywhere else. It’s really the only place you should get it in Washington, honestly. They have the apple pie flavor which is the best ice cream flavor in the world (unbiased opinion) but they for sure will have a flavor that sounds amazing to you, and also vegan kinds (if that’s your thing).

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