The 12 Types Of People You Study Abroad With | The Odyssey Online
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The 12 Types Of People You Study Abroad With

A character analysis.

The 12 Types Of People You Study Abroad With
Lauren Baker

This summer I have been lucky enough to study abroad, and it is through this once in a lifetime experience that I have recognized a dozen definite personality types present within study abroad programs that I would like to introduce as follows:

(It is important to note that the following analysis is wholly subjective and non-exclusive to specific personality types. Participants may embody each trait to their own effect.)

1. The Control Freak. This is the person who constantly insists that their way is the best way, either due to their extensive travel (and general life) knowledge and prior experience, or more often obtained through google searches. This person is most likely the extensive list maker. See also: The Yelper.

2. The Yelper. This person distrusts the opinion of every human in their immediate surrounding in favor of the online opinions of strangers that have most likely been employed by the establishment themselves. This often leads to tense situations when a party attempts to mutually agree on any location. No one is safe from their smartphone keyboard, i.e. has previously manifested in the streets of London and mistakenly led company to a Goth-themed nightclub boasting death-metal music and terrifying patrons rather than the highly favored bar up the street, purely because of superior Yelp reviews.

3. The Adventurer. This person is down for anything. Weekend romp through foreign lands? Of course, how else would one spend a Saturday? Often unable to say no to any form of a proposition in favor of a new experience or chance to explore, often to their own demise as the adventure may take precedence over their studies. May also include: hipster, boho homies, millennial flower children and backpackers.

4. The Scholar. This is the person who puts the study in studying abroad. Often found in the library over the weekends and reclusive throughout the week. Unknown to others in the student population outside of the classroom and library walls. Maintains heavy emphasis on the upkeep of a 4.0 GPA, rather than the adventure present within the realm of a foreign country

    5. The Partier. This is the person who has swung in the complete opposite direction of their counterpart, the scholar. Those who fall into this category can often be found tossing back numerous drinks at the local bar rather than attending their classes. Those who complain that a 6 a.m. closing time at the club is too early and stand firmly behind the idea of pre-gaming for a pre-game drink before drinks at the club followed by a round to round out the night. (May also be the same ones who have taught you that when speaking in the context of Amsterdam a “coffee shop” does not sell espresso.) 6. The Patriot. This person is the literal embodiment of American society and would be hard pressed to let you forget it. Most likely wears a constant frown of concern while struggling to comprehend the world outside of America due to a pervasive desire to see everything function exactly the same as within the States. Can most often be seen wearing apparel that boasts the American flag. Fanatic of all things red, white and blue and often chants “U-S-A” when drunk, or really any time for that matter. 7. The Local. This person is the antithesis of all things Patriot. They have embraced the notion of studying abroad to such a point that they have undertaken the responsibility to play the role of a local via their mysterious acquisition of an intimate knowledge of the inner-workings of the location in addition to consciously (or sub-consciously) adopting the accent. They are quick to make new friends and recommend local haunts outside of the tourist attractions. They have taken to heart their role as a member of the community and often thrive as a result of their willingness to fully invest in their time. (source Keyword Suggestions)
    8. The Foodie. This person has already scoped out the local specialties and their chefs. They have an established list of eateries and a checklist to accompany them. This person will go to any length for their culinary experience and can often be found asking “have you been here? Oh, you have to try their *insert obscure food reference here*” when passing by any given restaurant. They have the unique ability to seemingly master the culinary scene in any location in less than a week.
    9. The Surprise Voice of Wisdom. This person is somewhat reminiscent of Abed in "Community," recognized as a league of their own. They are appreciated and loved for their quirky strangeness. It is this person who is capable of providing striking insight in the event of an issue that impacts you on the deepest level for two reasons. One, because of it’s unlikely source, and two because of its terrifyingly accurate applicability. 10. The Romantic. This person has clearly gone abroad with the aim of similar nature to a Mrs. degree. Behavior analysis suggests that they clearly aim to find their special someone during their time abroad, preferably a local but not completely opposed to other participants in the program. Can often be found romanticizing every interaction with potential love interests (AKA everyone). If taken to the extreme and absent of the emotional connection and respect for other humans, can also fall into the category of “The Dog.” 11. The Mom or The Dad. These are the people who everyone looks to for the nurturing of a parental unit. Often found with extra napkins, snacks and emergency zip-lock bags. Always willing to lend a caring and self-sacrificing hand and loves each of their friends like a member of their own family. 12. The Instant Best Friends. Studying abroad can be terrifying--to spend all of your time in a new and foreign environment with people who you have never met before--but inevitably there are always those few people that you connect with on a deeper level. You’ve been lucky enough to be at the same place at the same time with the opportunity to foster a friendship that you treasure above all else. In essence, these are the people who make the entire experience worth it.

    At the end of the day it is all of these personalities that come together to make an unforgettable experience. Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to discover yourself all over again, and in the beauty of self-discovery, it is the people you surround yourself that make your time so much sweeter.

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