The 12 Types Of Bad Drivers We All Know Too Well | The Odyssey Online
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The 12 Types Of Bad Drivers We All Know Too Well

Beware of aggressive drivers.

The 12 Types Of Bad Drivers We All Know Too Well

If you have ever driven a car, then you know the struggle of dealing with other drivers. Obviously, you know that every driving incident is never your fault, and everyone else is always to blame – especially when your first driving tip was “everyone on the road is an asshole” – and yes, that was actually my first lesson in driving. Here are 12 different types of bad drivers that everyone has encountered at least once.

The New Driver

This person either is just learning to drive or recently just acquired his or her license. He or she is unsure of the driving laws – both implicit and explicit. There is just not enough time in the day to deal with the uneasiness this driver displays behind the wheel.

The No-Turn Signaler

This person is unaware of the issues they are causing by not letting the drivers behind them know where they are turning. How do they expect people to know that they are making a left hand turn when they don’t turn on their signal? The only thing worse are the drivers who forget to turn their signals off so you constantly think they’re about to turn when in fact they just continue to go straight.

The Speeder

Whether the light is green, yellow, or even red, you know this driver is going to race through it. They don’t think they’re going fast unless they’re going at least double the speed and somehow they are always avoiding getting pulled over for a ticket.

The Slow-Poke

Worse than the speeder is the slow-poke. Don’t they know that it’s just as unsafe to drive under the speed limit, as it is to drive over the speed limit? There is literally nothing worse than being stuck behind a slow driver, especially when you’re boxed in and can’t find any way to go around them without being a bad driver yourself.

The Hungry One

This driver thinks he or she can eat a five-course meal in the car. No breakfast, lunch, or dinner is complete without their side dishes and drinks that you know are being spilled all over the car on the drive. They always have one hand on the wheel, while shoving a burger in their face with the other.

The Texter

Although extremely tempting, this is literally against the law. This driver is always swerving in and out of lines trying to compose a reply to a very important text message that just cannot wait. The texter is no different from the person that Snapchats and drives – both equally terrible.

The Performer

We’ve all been this driver – you can’t help but embarrassingly jam to your favorite song, especially when the car is packed with your friends. The performer is a major distraction on the road because who doesn’t want a free show?

The Angry One

This driver gets absolutely livid at the littlest things. They get mad at everything from the glare of the sun to a honk in the opposing lane to the gleam of brake lights in the distance. There is nothing you can do to appease this person.

The Tailgater

This driver won’t back off, leading you to either become the speeder or forcing you into a different lane because you just can’t handle their pursuit. Aren’t they aware that they won’t get anywhere faster just because they’re tailing you?

The Beauty Queen

Maybe one of the worst drivers is the person who decides to finish getting ready in the car. In undeniably no world is it necessary to get dressed and do your makeup on your commute.

The Bad Parker

Whether this person doesn’t leave you enough room to parallel park or takes up two and half spaces in a parking spot, they are the most frustrating driver when you are just trying to get to your destination.

The Jerk

All of the above rolled into one absolutely terrible driver that nobody should ever be forced to encounter. The "Beware of Aggressive Driver" signs are about this person.

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