11 Things That Are Only Socially Acceptable In College
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Student Life

11 Things That Are Only Socially Acceptable In College

College is really an entirely different universe.

11 Things That Are Only Socially Acceptable In College

College: the best four (or sometimes more) years of your life. You are away from home, free and entitled to live your life the way you choose. It's unlike anything else, but let's be real, we know reality will be nothing like college. Although incredible, when you get down to it college is kind of weird. Lots of things are socially accepted here that are not in the real world.

For example...

1. You aren't alarmed when you see someone crying in public.

Normally you'd console the mourning individual or run in the other direction, but in college, it is different. This individual likely has six major assignments that could make or break their college career due in 24 hours.

2. Wearing T-shirts and Nike shorts to anything and everything.

Yes, I know, the most comfortable outfit in the world. But when it comes time for us to get professional jobs I doubt our employers would be as understanding of this life-saving combo.

3. Using your student ID card everywhere you go.

It pays for parking, meals, vending machine snacks, gets you in your building, but it's magical powers only stretch to the borders of your campus. Although this is super handy and makes our lives a lot easier, I'm pretty sure Trader Joe's and your local pharmacy will not accept it as a valid form of payment.

4. Scheduling your day around when you can take a nap.

Between classes, meetings, labs, and every other thing college life throws your way, napping is essential to surviving the most average of days. Also, napping wherever you feel like. The middle of campus, a dining hall table, your 9 a.m. lecture, no one will judge you.

5. Your diet is absolutely all over the place.

Your eating habits may not be the healthiest, but leftover pizza and microwavable meals from the frozen section can be lifesavers when the cafeteria menu is looking extra dreadful.

6. Taking advantage of every opportunity to get free stuff or save money.

Any and every campus event means a surplus of phone wallets, lanyards, stadium cups, portable chargers, and koozies. No matter how many you may already have, you know you're going to grab as many as you can cram in your pockets anyways. You might not even like wings, by when they're 15 cents who can afford to not like them? Sometimes you might even have to sleep for dinner because we all love naps and if you can't afford food it's a win-win.

7. Wearing your pajamas to class the next morning and sometimes even taking your covers with you.

But hey, comfort is key so enjoy the privilege while you can because the real world won't be as open to this as your cozy college habitat.

8. Drinking coffee at all times of the day. 10 a.m. or 10 p.m., whatever will keep you awake.

Need to study for a final? Drink coffee. Need to actually not sleep during your 9 a.m? Drink coffee. It's 3 a.m. but you really want to finish that last episode? Drink coffee. It's the solution to everything.

9. Losing your wallet/keys/phone/ID multiple times a week.

Some people would call this disorganized, but we all know you laid it right on the counter like always. That is until it turns up underneath your bed, in a friend's car or in the bottom of your book bag later that day.

10. Literally living in the library during finals week.

24-hour library hours are an open invitation for you to move-in to the dusty, book-filled institution so many college students spend their time in. Not even going to lie, some of the comfiest couches can be found here.

11. Using the day of the week as an excuse to drink or procrastinate.

Oh, there's a 10-page paper due tomorrow? But it's *insert fake alcohol-related holiday here*. Whether it's Margarita Monday, 2 dollar draft Tuesday, Wine Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday, the list rolls on and you'll seek out any excuse to avoid that paper.

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