Studying abroad is undeniably a life changing experience. During your time away, you have the privilege to see the world and make the kind of memories you thought were too magical for real life. And upon your return, you'll start to realize that you've become a different person in so many ways –– and you definitely don't see yourself returning to the way you were before any time soon.
1. You have some serious wanderlust.
This one is a given. You've developed a love for traveling and exploring new places that will never die, and you wouldn't trade that for anything. In a post-study abroad world, you're likely to feel a lot of frustration because it sometimes seems impossible to find adventure back at home, but it might in fact be closer than you think.
2. Long journeys don't bother you anymore.
Remember when you used to complain about two hour train rides? Well, consider that as a thing of the past because honestly once you've been on a seven plus hour flight and have sat on a bus for ten hours, you can kind of do anything.
3. You're OK with doing things by yourself.
While you definitely made a lot of awesome friends during your time abroad, there were some memories you made when you were alone and not the slightest bit lonely. And you're happy to repeat the experience.
4. You have a hard time saving money.
After living the "treat yo self" lifestyle for so many months, it's really difficult to regain that self-control you previously had when it came to big spending. As a result, your bank account is kind of a sad place these days so hopefully this one is just temporary.
5. You've fallen in love with photography.
If you you weren't already in love with it before going abroad, you certainly are now. After capturing the most breathtaking sights, you can't help but be addicted to taking pictures of beautiful buildings, landscapes and food.
6. You want to learn a new language.
The problem is you can't decide one which one!
7. You're obsessed with markets.
Whether they're selling food or jewelry or antiques or vintage clothes, you're ready to wander and shop in a heartbeat.
8. You're more confident and independent.
You lived in a completely different country for an extended period of time, and you may or may not have known anyone in that country when you arrived. You also may or may not have been a native speaker of their official language! That takes a lot of guts and you definitely learned to trust yourself and your abilities to be at least somewhat self-sufficient during your time away whilst taking on new experiences.
9. You prefer to walk places.
When you were abroad, you'd regularly end up walking over ten miles a day –– sometimes as much as 15 or even 20 –– and that's something that sticks with you for a long, long time.
10. You dream of going back.
This is a feeling –– an ache –– that will never go away. You'll always want to revisit the places you've been to and then explore the ones you didn't get to the first time.
11. You're really annoying now.
Seriously. Everyone is tired of hearing about the six months you lived in a foreign country. Are you going to keep talking about it? Absolutely.