11 Things To Ask Yourself Before You Date Him
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11 Things To Ask Yourself Before You Date Him

If he is pursuing God you can expect him to treat you the way God treats you: with love and respect.

11 Things To Ask Yourself Before You Date Him

Who you choose to date will have a major impact (either good or bad) on your life. It is important to enter your relationships with caution taking into consideration your potential boyfriend's qualities, what you like about him, and what you don't like. Avoid jumping into relationships just because you "need" or even just "want" a boyfriend. Take your time and get to know him. Date with a purpose. Below is a list of 11 things to look for in a potential boyfriend:

1. Is he in a relationship with God?

Does he have a relationship with God? Keep in mind I did not ask if he goes to church. Many people go to church without truly have a deep connection with God. A relationship with God is the number one thing to look for in a guy because if He is sincerely pursuing God you can expect him to treat you the way God treats you: with love and respect.

2. How does he treat others?

If you see your potential boyfriend treating others with disrespect, do not assume he will end up treating you any better. He may treat you good at first, but just give it time. Date a guy who treats everyone (including his family) with the utmost respect, and chances are he will respect you too.

3. Is his attitude attractive?

Sure, this guy is really cute, the problem with that is he knows he is. Does he walk around like he's better than everyone else? Will he not stay out of the mirror? RUN. Trust me, it will get old real quick. I'm not saying to only date unattractive guys, but don't date unattractive attitudes.

4. Is he motivated?

When you're dating with a purpose this is one of those big things to consider. Does he have life goals? Does he have a plan? Or does he sit at home all day playing video games with not a care in the world? Get a guy who wants to continually better himself and his life. Get a guy with a goal.

5. What do your friends and family think about him?

I know it sounds crazy to actually take your parents advice, but they can often spot a good/bad guy or even friend before you can. Get your friend's honest opinions on him. They are on the outside looking in therefore have a clearer view.

6. Do you share common interests?

Dating someone who has different interests than you can be really fun! As long as both people are willing to learn and try new things. If you're both opposite and not willing to compromise once in a while you may not be able to find anything to do together. For instance, my boyfriend loves golfing, and I love shopping. I'd be willing to go golfing with him, and he is willing to go shopping with me, so it works and we both get to experience new places and things.

7. Do you have similar beliefs?

Do you both have the same religious beliefs and morals? Dating someone who does not believe the same as you do can be stressful and lead to some major arguments. I'm not saying to only date someone who believes point by point the same way you believe, but at least date someone with the same basic beliefs you have. It's good to have a variety of opinions on a topic because each person can learn new things and grow. When choosing someone to date with a purpose think about how you would raise a family if you were ever to get married. It is always healthy for a family if both parents are basically on the same page.

8. Does he respect your boundaries?

If you have made the choice to have a godly, pure relationship is he willing to agree to your boundaries? He is willing to put aside physical aspects of your possible relationship and focus on your mind and heart instead of your body?

9. Is he a leader?

Every girl wants a strong man that can protect and help lead their relationship in the right direction. If another girl catches his attention is he going to follow her, or stand up for you? Is he strong enough to say no? Or does he do everything someone tells him to do? Can he fight off peer pressure?

10. Is he honest?

Is he trustworthy? When he says he is going to do something does he keep his word? Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship. If you do not have trust you have nothing to lean on in sticky situations. Have you watched him lie to other people? If he lies to others he will lie to you.

11. Does he show chivalry?

Most people say chivalry is dead, but my boyfriend is living proof that it's not. God wants the very best for you. Get a guy who will still open your door, take you out on special dates, bring you flowers, and treat you like the child of God that you are. Don't settle for less than what God has for you.

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