11 Things Every Creighton Student Understands
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11 Things Every Creighton Student Understands

There are so many ins and outs to being able to survive the school. Here are some things you come to understand.

11 Things Every Creighton Student Understands
Omaha World Herald

Having just gotten used to everything that Creighton has to offer, and along the way have come to realize some things that I think a lot of us Blue Jays will be able to understand! Give it a read and share with all your other friends!

1. "What's your Major?" "Biology-Premed"

Creighton Medical School is a place that a lot of students try to get into, but only about 150 succeed even when coming directly from Creighton Undergrad. Even though that's the case, it does not discourage anybody from trying to get in, but the way to go is Biology/pre-med. It seems like most anyone you talk to, any newcomer, most anyone going to premed, says "Hi, I'm ______, and my major is Biology Pre-med!" It's like these little birdies chirping everywhere, all saying the same thing!

2. The KFC is NOT "Kentucky Fried Chicken"

When I first visited my boyfriend here at Creighton to see how I would like it on campus, he told me to meet him at the KFC... Having NEVER been to Omaha before, NEVER been to Creighton, and NEVER having heard of anything other than Kentucky Fried Chicken standing for KFC, I was a tad confused, to say the least. It's something that takes a little bit of getting used to, but you'll learn eventually that it's just the gym... Which is funny because I swear I get hungry every time I say KFC, but I'm actually on my way to work out...

3. Beware The Gallaghetto

This is actually Gallagher Hall, one of the freshman dorms... You'll soon realize that there are a lot of things that you may need to know in order to survive:

1) The elevator works, the light does not

Makes for an adventure!

2) Floor rivalries between the boys

Boys... 'Nuff said.

3) Press '1' to make the door on the elevator close faster if you don't want to let other people on

I think we can all relate to this... No one wants to sit in an elevator with someone they don't know and all you can hear is their breathing.

4) Don't lose your stuff in the sea of shower caddies

On the girl's floor, many people put their shower caddies in the bathtub, and it got a little wild sometimes and became hard to find your stuff... All part of the experience right?!

4. The Wrath of Sodexo

The dining halls in movies are usually notorious for serving the students inedible food, but the food is food so they eat it! Unfortunately, the food that is served in the dining halls here can either be a hit or a miss entirely. When in doubt. just go with the sandwich bar or cereal bar because they will almost never disappoint! Towards the middle of the semester, this awful smell begins to seep out from behind the wall where the dishes are dropped off and it makes you cringe a little bit as you walk out after eating what you can. Not going to complain too much about this though, because they fed me all semester, so... :)

5. Squirrels Eat Apples

I had my doubts about this the first time my boyfriend told me to give an apple to one of the squirrels. I did not think that the squirrel would not only approach me but take the apple from me and begin to eat it whole! Some of the squirrels take a little more convincing and you have to kind of toss the apple to them, but I think that apples and bagels are the squirrel's favorites!

6. "The Mall" Isn't Where You Can Find Those New Shoes

This took a lot of getting used to as well. When you would call someone to ask where they are and they said 'the mall' the first thing that came to head was the shopping mall. I realized after week 2 that all my friends were not shopping all the time, but rather they were walking from class to class on what I would have called 'the strip' but that's just me...

7. No Football Team, But That's Okay

Not going to lie, sometimes the thing that I miss most about going to school in Boulder is that I could go to the football games. And more than the football games, the pre-gaming! The chills you get when all the buffs enter in the stadium, especially during the Rocky Mountain Showdown and are cheering their asses off! Though we may not have a football team, we have every other D1 sport, so we get by...

8. The Lack of A/C In Buildings

Two Words. CREIGHTON. HALL. WOW. Not only that building in particular, but the fact that for some reason most of the buildings seem to be blasting the A/C in the winter but cannot seem to turn them on during the summer drives most of us insane. They say it has to do with the pipes freezing and what not, but I think they just want us to fry...

9. Wednes-Jays

Unfortunately this beloved tradition will soon be coming to an end because they are closing down the Jay, but they were good while they lasted! At Boulder it was Thursdays that people would go out and have some fun, however here, it was Wednesdays. Hopefully we can all find a new place to go!

10. No One Knows How To Cook

This was a big struggle when rooming in McGloin because people would try to go all Gordon Ramsey in the kitchen and end up setting off the fire alarm. I swear the fire truck was there at least once a week! At least it didn't go off in the middle of the night trying to make some chili.

11. The "F-Door"

Ah, yes! Some of us choose to brave the door, while most of us fear the magical powers that lay within it. Rumor has it that if you walk through this door at before an exam of any kind, you'll fail. I've tested this theory a couple of times and seem to think that if you walk through it once and walk through one more time that day, the bad luck cancels out... I'm going to keep thinking that as long as it keeps working!

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