11 Summer Stock Necessities For Any Performer
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11 Summer Stock Necessities For Any Performer

Your one stop check list for 11 things you should never be without while working at a Summer Theater.

11 Summer Stock Necessities For Any Performer
Peter Aaron

Every spring, Musical Theater Majors travel great distances and go to a lot of expense to audition locally, regionally and nationally for the chance to land a performing gig during the summer months. Summer Stock contracts can either be the absolute best, most fulfilling theater ventures of your early career, or they can be a grueling nightmare. Whether you are kicking your face in glitzy costumes and belting power ballads down stage center at a high quality, high paying contract, or giving your heart and soul in a miss cast, low quality production of "Promises Promises" for 75$ a week... here is a list of very helpful items you will need with you to survive any Summer Stock job.

1. Steamer

This is a must for all singers out there. If you haven't purchased a steamer for yourself, go buy one now. You will use it frequently while on summer contract. Usually summer theater jobs mean moving to another state or region. This brings along with it a slew of aggressive allergies, differences in climate, and foreign substances that your body is not used to. These all can have adverse effects on your vocal health and overall immune system. Steaming will help your vocal cords and throat feel relaxed, warm, and ready to sing all five parts of "Tonight" from "West Side Story."

2. Foam Roller

Whether you are kicking your face and turning for the gods in "A Chorus Line," or you are waiting all night long to terrorize Dorothy and her friends in your one tap solo in "The Jitter Bug," dancing will take a toll on your body. I have been on both ends of the spectrum and everywhere in between. Over the course of your summer contract, your body will be sore, it will get tired. And you will need to make sure it is in top condition. Foam rollers are my saving grace. I like it because it pinpoints hard to reach and problematic areas such as IT bands, quads, hips, and backs. These are fairly easy to find online, however you will want one that has a sensible amount of density to it, otherwise you will feel like you are rolling out on a lumpy pillow and that is no good. Something a little denser and more sturdy will ensure that your muscles get a good workout and that you are limber and ready to go anywhere your character shoes take you.

3. Foam Mattress Topper

Being that most folks who do summer stock contracts are college aged or young twenty somethings, we all know the woes of terrible mattresses. If college and summer stock has taught me anything, its that a foam mattress topper is a must have if you care at all about a good, restful night's sleep. You might find yourself in cabins, subsidized housing, apartments, or even homes of the theater's patrons. Either way, you can never go wrong with having your own mattress topper. You can spend extra money on a super nice one, but I've seen decent ones for $15 or less. Good sleep is paramount for keeping up with the crazy summer schedules and the toll it takes on your body.

4. Emergen-C Packets

This is good for any dancer or singer. Emerged-C packets are great sources of Vitamin C and electrolytes. It has all the good stuff your body needs to stay healthy and replenish the salts you sweat out, without all the added sugar of popular sports drinks. I suggest the raspberry flavor. Its the best.

5. Lacrosse Ball

Lacrosse balls deliver what I like to call Good-Bad Pain. It half sucks, half feels amazing. Lacrosse balls are a true gift from heaven when it comes to sore, stressed, or tight muscles. It allows to you dig in deep with pinpoint accuracy. My favorite use for this helpful tool is rolling out my feet before a dance heavy show. Rolling out your feet releases the fascia in your feet and all the way up your legs. That being said, lacrosse balls are pretty intense. If you are looking for similar results with a bit less ferocity, a tennis ball will work just as well.

6. Singer's Saving Grace

Need I say more?

7. Heating Pad/Ice Packs

This is something super easy to pack in your suitcase, and I swear I use these all the time. Your body is your instrument, and needs to be taken care of. Heating pads and ice packs can make a huge difference in your recovery time from any bump, bruise, strain, or injury.

8. Cool Mist Humidifier

Housing can be tricky on summer contracts. Even "nice" housing. Dry air and dry housing does not make for happy vocal chords, so I recommend a Cool Mist Humidifier. I run mine at night while I sleep so that I don't wake up dry and crusty. Buying a "Cool" Mist Humidifier ensures that black mold won't grow in your room, which can occur with regular humidifiers.

9. Personal Blender

Mornings are hard. Am I right? I like to think that I can make it through a long day of rehearsal or shows with just coffee...but that is simply not the case. I don't like to eat a lot in the mornings, but breakfast is very important, so often times I make smoothies. This is a great way to feed your body good things like veggies, fruit, and protein. I use my blender ALL. THE. TIME. My shakes usually include fruit, kale, orange juice or milk, and protein powder. You can always sub in your favorites like peanut butter or almond milk. Its a quick and easy way to make sure that you have enough energy and good things in your body to make it through an all day choreography rehearsal for "Step in Time" from "Mary Poppins."

10. Throat Coat

If you don't already know about this little piece of heaven in a bag, I'm not sure where you've been, but get on this band wagon! Throat Coat is the mother of all teas. It has all the good things to help your throat feel empowered enough to sing “The Last Five Years” or “Les Misérables” or “Next to Normal.” I swear by this stuff. I always make sure that I have a box in my dressing room and at home. There are those folks out there that hate the taste of Throat Coat, but the benefits far outweigh any issues with taste.

11. A Good Attitude

This sounds cheesy, but trust me, a good attitude can be the difference in having a crummy time, or the best summer of your life. Lets face it: not every contract is going to be a cake walk. You are bound to run across unenjoyable shows, directors, and fellow cast mates, but your positive and can-do attitude will set you up for success personally and professionally. There is always one bad apple in a cast. If you don't know who it is, its probably you. Drama should only occur on stage, not in the wings. Just take a second to yourself to gather your thoughts, and remember that this is what you love to do. You are a performer! You get to do what you love and there is an audience waiting to watch you dance, sing, and act on stage. Summer Stock is crazy, fun, and sometimes hard, but completely worth it. Remember that!

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