11 Reasons Why Summer In The Desert Doesn't Completely Suck | The Odyssey Online
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11 Reasons Why Summer In The Desert Doesn't Completely Suck

Whether you're visiting for the summer or a local, you're guaranteed to have a good time.

11 Reasons Why Summer In The Desert Doesn't Completely Suck

Yes it’s currently 107 degrees outside, as I write this article. Most think I’m probably mentally insane for thinking that summer in the desert doesn’t completely suck. Heck, it could be hell for most desert people. They’re not wrong, but those people might not take the time to see why living in the desert doesn’t completely suck. It’s not paradise on earth, but there are at least 11 reasons why summer in the desert doesn’t completely suck. So here:

1. Tanning

I’m not talking about lying down or taking a nap outside. You could die of a heat stroke if you’re out for that long. But tanning while doing different activities. You could tan while swimming or at the water park. Yes, it’s super hot outside, but on the plus side, you’ll be cool in the water and you are guaranteed to be tan for the rest of the year. Or if you’re a college kid like me, only being there for part of the summer, you’ll at least have it for part, if not the whole, summer.

2. Waking Up Early to Workout

Okay, you’re probably thinking... I officially just lost my mind- but hear me out for a second.

Yes, getting up at 5 a.m. or at dawn may not be ideal for anyone, especially if you’re not a morning person like me, but when you live in the desert over the summer, it’s the only way to not have to face 100-degree weather at 9 a.m. The sun certainly won’t beat down on you. But waking up early will not only give you a really beautiful sunrise, but you’ll also get a sense of accomplishment. The accomplishment of knowing that you finished your workout before most people in the desert even get up. If you really can’t get up at dawn, look to number 3!

3. Gyms or indoor exercise classes!

You don’t have to wake up at dawn to work out if it’s not ideal. You can still get a good workout even at 10 a.m. The best part is- you won’t have to face the heat, cause you’ll be working out indoors!

4. Festivals, Concerts, Events

The fun doesn’t stop when the unbearable weather inflicts the Coachella Valley. There are an array of concerts and festivals in the Coachella Valley. And if you ask me, you’ll find a lot of them indoors.

5. Pools

There isn’t a better feeling than going into a nice cold pool and feeling refreshed when you feel like you’re going to die when standing out in the heat.

6. Water Park

Just another way to stay cool. And get the thrill of those water slides... or the Lazy River!

7. Aerial Tramway

You’re still technically in the Coachella Valley, even as the tram takes you up to nearly 6,000 feet. It’s a pretty cool feeling and you’ll feel like you’re almost flying. It’s also 20-30 degrees cooler. You’ll get a wonderful view of the entire Coachella Valley- guaranteed.

8. Evening Adventures

You can even beat the heat by exploring at night. It will definitely be in the 80’s so it will still be warm, but hey it’s better than the day time temperatures. You could take an off-road tour of the San Andreas Fault or hike under some beautiful stars in Joshua Tree.

9. Library

If you can’t afford to travel this summer, at lost go to the library and get some books. Travel to a foreign castle, a jungle or an island. No, it’s not the same as completely being there, but you’ll at least have some adventure; an escape if you will.

For high schoolers: Tired of being at home? Lacking in concentration on those AP summer assignments? Need quiet and cold air?! Say no more, go to your local library!

It’s quiet, you’ll get free wifi, and it’s completely cool, probably more so than that air conditioner of yours. Or if you’re in need of a good place to take a nap in a cooler place- head on over.

10. Palm Springs Museum

The museum has air conditioning and one of the world’s largest collections of flyable World War II aircraft. The museum also has Native American, Western art and modern art.

11. Air Conditioning!

It was invented for a reason! Also just cause you live in the desert, doesn’t even you are deprived of cold air! If you love the cold weather like me- just crank that baby down! If you want to crank it all the way down to 50- by all means do it! Summer is probably the one and only time you’ll want to! Just make the most of it!

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