11 Reasons Why We Miss The Old Disney Channel | The Odyssey Online
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11 Reasons Why We Miss The Old Disney Channel

Sadly, all good things must come to an end.

11 Reasons Why We Miss The Old Disney Channel

As a 90's baby, I religiously watched original Disney Channel shows and films. I experienced all of Lizzie McGuire’s mishaps, each High School Musical sing along, and every single event at the Disney Channel Summer Games. Not to mention all the hours I spent on the Disney Channel website playing virtual games featuring "Lilo and Stitch" or "The Proud Family." The recent showing of Disney Channel's 100 original films left me feeling very nostalgic. But, let's face it. Disney Channel in 2016 is not the same Disney Channel it was 16 years ago. Let's take a trip down Disney Channel's memory lane...

1. Remember when JB, Demi, Miley and Selena made a collab?

I must say, this was the ultimate collaboration. The melodies of the song remained trapped in our brains. Viewers idolized the paragons of music who performed it. And, come on, who couldn't resist seeing Niley (Nick Jonas and Miley Cyrus) back in action together during the opening of the music video. Not only did this awesome team effort make us all fangirl, it delivered a message that our actions, even as youth, really made a difference in our world. Plus, the words were pretty catchy.

2. Remember when musical artists guest starred?

Remember when the Jonas Brothers met Hannah Montana at the studio? Or how about when Maddie begged Chris Brown to guest star on "Yay Me, Starring London Tipton"? Of course, we cannot forget when Aaron Carter and Lizzie McGuire shared a Christmas kiss. Musical guests frequently guest starred on popular series such as "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody," "That's So Raven," and so many more. When our favorite Disney characters met boy bands and pop sensations, we felt as if we met them ourselves. Plus, dating scandals between Disney characters and musical artists arose each time someone guest starred. Remember Niley and Nelena? Nick Jonas really got around.

3. Remember when Disney blessed us with HSM?

On January 20th, 2006, our lives changed for the better because "High School Musical" premiered as a Disney Channel original movie. Although it set unrealistic expectations for high school (singing throughout the empty hallways of school, painting a locker pink, dancing in sync with your whole student body), this film taught us how to break free from our comfort zones and defy stereotypical standards. The dance moves got everyone off their feet and the ballads so memorable that 10 years, later we still sing them. More than anything, it became one of the quintessential Disney Channel original musical films of the 21st century. Although earlier this year Disney confirmed a fourth movie in the HSM lineup, we know it won't satisfy our musical cravings like the first three did.

4. Remember when Disney characters dressed their age?

Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed "Boy Meets World" as a kid. When I discovered the spin off, "Girl Meets World," I was excited to see if Disney could pull it off. But, I was immediately turned off by the series when I noticed how inaccurate the producers and directors portrayed the young characters Maya and Riley. Both of these characters are around the ages of 13-14. What 13-year-old wears knee- high, heeled boots to school? Most girls that age cannot even walk in heels. The Disney Channel we grew up viewing contained characters who dressed in outfits that fit their age, as well as the fashion trends of that time. Just take peek at the wardrobes from "Hannah Montana," "Cow Belles," or "Naturally, Sadie" and one can see quite a difference.

5. Remember when middle schoolers didn't have relationship issues?

If the universe granted me more that 24 hours per day, I would accumulate more time to write a full article about this topic. I could go on and on about how much this annoys me, but I let me just get right to it. This annoys me. This is partly because the shows I grew up watching were not so focused on relationships; But mostly because Disney is allowing and encouraging girls and boys aged 12-14 to focus so much of their time and energy on their affections and crushes. At that young age, our Disney characters were worrying about how to save the world from villains, asking their mom to buy a bra for them, or how to keep a stage persona from a best friend. Back then, our characters dealt with much bigger priorities.

6. Remember when everyone used Disney Channel's catchphrases?

Disney writers fabricated catchphrases that swept the nation. So many of Disney Channel's current broadcastings lack these witty sayings which we identified with. Below are just a few phrases from this ancient Disney Channel language. Sadly, only a fraction of 9's children remember these long-lost sayings. We need to face facts. Disney Channel catchphrases of today could never even compete with the Disney Channel lingo of those days.
"Ya Nasty" - "That's So Raven" (often used when showing disgust, especially with people)
"Yay me!" - "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" (often used when treated like a spoiled princess)
"What's the sitch?" - "Kim Possible" (often used when you need to bust an emergency mission)
"Sweet niblets" - "Hannah Montana" (often used in extreme excitement or extreme trouble, there is no in-between)

7. Remember each theme song?

Many admit each and every Disney Channel theme song was lit. Even the "Even Stevens" theme song was catchy and memorable with it's big band tones and "clay-mation" sequence -- and it didn't even contain any lyrics. Something about the upbeat and "stuck in your head" features of old Disney theme songs kept us addicted to watching shows such as "Hannah Montana," "The Proud Family," and "Wizards of Waverly Place." Listening and watching the opening sequence of our favorite shows excited us as much as the actual program did.

8. Remember when summers consisted of the Disney Channel Summer Games?

Take famous Disney teenagers, add in a few competitive games with a side of colored tube socks, and you get the world famous Disney Channel Games. Depending on who was on what team, each viewer had their favorite. Events included the chariot of champions and other relay races. Competitors stayed fiery, even going as far as creating alliances between pairs of teams or icing out single teams. As an added bonus, musical artists who participated in the games, such as Miley Cyrus or the Jonas Brothers, performed on stage after the events. Moreover, there were international participants who showed viewers pieces of their own cultures. Sadly, the games ended in 2008 and there was a similar event, Friends for Change, in 2011.

9. Remember when animated shows were for big kids too?

It's terrible many believe animated shows target only infant and preschool aged children. "Kim Possible," "The Proud Family," "The Emperor's New School," "Brandy and Mr. Whiskers," "The Replacements," and "American Dragon: Jake Long" are only a few examples of animated series created for pre-teen and teenage viewers. Often times, these television programs were more entertaining and more successful than live-action shows. "Kim Possible" and "The Proud Family" even went on to continue with featured Disney Channel original movies.

10. Remember all of the Halloween specials?

Disney Channel obtained the magical power to create captivating plots for original Halloween specials. Movies such as "Halloweentown," "Haunted Mansion," and "Twitches" carried a perfect balance of hair-raising scares and classic Disney values, such as the importance of family or learning how to be yourself. Although the broadcasting station still holds a month long Halloween celebration, Monstober, it has yet to fabricate iconic Halloween programs, such as the "Suite Life" episode with the ghost in suite 613, which left us petrified -- even to this very day.

11. Remember when we watched this between shows?


Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Dylan and Cole Sprouse, Brenda Song, Moises Arias and dozens of Disney celebrities held that sparkling magic wand in their hands to carve out the iconic Disney Chanel logo. We will miss seeing our goofy Disney stars against the simple white backdrop carving out a green or blue or pink emblem. Of course, Disney still uses celebrities to draw out an updated version of the Mickey Mouse symbol, but it will never compare to the simplicity of the old Disney Channel logo we watched between our favored programs.

Remember when you realized that Disney Channel changed?

It felt as if we blinked and all of our favorite programs disappeared from Disney Channel. For me, it kicked in when I realized Miley Cyrus threw away her Hannah wig for good and when "High School Musical" held a class reunion (regardless of head basketball guy's absence). For the teens who experienced Disney Channel during the first decade of the 21st century, our adored television programs and original movies now only play as reruns at the oddest hours of the morning or anniversary special broadcasts. We do not hate the newer Disney Channel, we just don't connect with it as we once did. This wasn't meant to belittle those who favor the Disney Channel of 2016 over the Disney Channel of earlier years. Rather, it is a tribute to the Disney Channel I, and so many others, once knew.

So for now, peace out Mickey Mouse. We'll wait for you to resurrect our favorite shows and movies from the catacombs of Disney Channel (or at least wait for them to appear on Netflix so we can binge watch).

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