11 Questions 'Supernatural' Needs To Answer
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11 Questions 'Supernatural' Needs To Answer

Plotholes and statuses of ages-old characters: where and what's happening to them now?

11 Questions 'Supernatural' Needs To Answer

Hot damn. There's been 11 whole seasons now—and so far, there is a 12th season in development. There's been millions of fans, conventions, episodes, and hours devoted to the CW's series “Supernatural” regarding hunter Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki), older brother hunter Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles), and angel Castiel (Misha Collins). Throughout all these episodes, however, there's been quite a few filler episodes that picked up something that hasn't been revisited yet—things as far back as Season Five when it comes to “Supernatural's” current running on the halfway point of Season 11. Here are some plot points, starting with the most notorious yet, that “Supernatural” has missed picking up on—I'm sure audiences would enjoy getting closure on these things!

Spoilers on all seasons below!

1. Where's Adam Winchester?

The most obvious one is this one—ever since Adam was thrown into The Cage with Michael, Lucifer, and Sam at the end of Season Five, what's happened to him?

From Season Six, we know Sam is pulled out, even if his soul isn't rescued until the end of Season Seven. In Season 10, we get a small teaser about the writers knowing about Adam's predicament—the musical "Supernatural" episode has a director pointing out Adam's character in the drama, cueing Dean and Sam's awkward and guilty glances at one another.

Most recently in Season 11, we learn Lucifer was still doing just fine in The Cage even though Michael isn't faring so well (much to my disappointment—I would've enjoyed seeing those two archangels actually teaming up to fight The Darkness, but I guess no redemption arc for them—Stupid writers!).

However—No news on Adam whatsoever. Has he just been abolished completely by The Cage or something? What's happened to him? Why can't we get answers?

2. Is Gabriel really dead?

Also another huge question on watchers' minds. God, why do they always have to tease us so much?

We're first introduced to the lovable demigod-trickster pretending to be Loki in Season Two, and we get another bit of him in Season Three, producing perhaps one of the most enjoyable episodes in the entire series of "Supernatural"—"Mystery Spot." (That episode could take up an entire article of its own with its golden moments...) We get him again in Season Five, where he reveals himself to be the archangel Gabriel trying to get the apocalypse moving on. He's left to die there—but we see what appears to be him in Season Nine again, appearing in Castiel's mind when the angel's trapped by villain Metatron.

However, just as Castiel asked Gabriel, "Are you really dead?" We don't get an answer, either. Just a snap of his fingers and a small quirk of his brows. Oh, Gabriel. How we long to see you return. You can team up with Lucifer and set him straight, and you guys could defeat The Darkness together! (And rouse Michael while you're at it, please.)

3. What's happened to the Antichrist?

We first meet the child named Jesse in Season Five, where he's claimed to be the Antichrist of the apocalypse—bound to screw things up on Heaven's side and to be a key player in the battles for Earth and celestial superiority. However, he disappears at the end of the episode, when he's learned who he is—and he stays disappeared for basically the rest of "Supernatural" lore.

We can only assume that, since he got his powers from Lucifer being on Earth, he disappeared off somewhere with knowledge of his abilities, causing mischief until Lucifer was put back in The Cage. And he's just out there, powerless, somehow getting by. Or maybe he's dead? But if not, what about now, when Season 11 has Lucifer risen again? Does he suddenly get his abilities once more, or is that only when Earth is in full-on apocalypse mode that his powers are jump-started? We won't know until the writers let us know.

4. Where was Death when Heaven shut down?

We know Death to be one of the most powerful figures in basically all of "Supernatural" lore, about as old as (or older than) God Himself in the show. We first meet him at the end of Season Five, and he comes in later during Season Six and Season Seven, sprinkled in through various encounters—we see him once during Season Nine, and then silence, up until his death at the end of Season 10—ironically! I'm still shocked and a little upset they killed off such a character—despite all the sheer chaos Heaven, Hell, and Earth are in when it comes to souls wandering everywhere en masse, with gates to the afterlife being barred.

Okay, all these souls are just in a huge ruckus everywhere—fallen angels, demons gaining power, humans dying without anywhere to go since Heaven is closed off—what are the reapers doing about it? What's Death doing about it? Why hasn't he at least shown up incredibly pissed off at the Winchesters for messing up the balance of the planet, for the fifth time? The lack of his presence seems unrealistic. The writers would be lame to avoid including Death just so they don't have to think up plot for him.

(And seriously? Seriously?! I'm still surprised they killed Death. What the hell!)

5. When Heaven finally opened again, what happened to Kevin's ghost?

Kevin Tran is a character that tugs at all of our heartstrings. His death is still something that upsets me. And the terrible why his story was wrapped up—it's still just as painful. Kevin deserved so much better—but then, so did about a hundred other "Supernatural" characters who suffered horrid fates because the "Supernatural" writers enjoy inflicting pain.

We get, around the end of Season Nine, the story that Kevin, a ghost attached to the physical possession of his ring, returns home to live with his mother as normally as he can. He loves her. She loves him and endured unimaginable, literal torture at the hands of demons for him. Their bond is one of the most tragic. She brings home his class ring, and his attached ghost, while Heaven is deadlocked and no souls can go anywhere. And then—

—Then what? After Heaven opens again, what does Kevin do? Does he stay back and risk becoming a vengeful ghost that threatens his mother's life, one of thing he values the most? Or does he go to Heaven, knowing he's leaving behind his absolutely noble and valorous mother, going to a place filled with angels who were previously very willing and eager to exploit him to all ends for his Prophet status? For a chance at his own happiness? For his mother's safety?

Dammit, "Supernatural," give us answers!

6. What is the status of The Colt?

We learn of The Colt in the first season, but it makes it last appearance before Season Four begins. After that we really have no idea what happens to it.

It trades hands for quite some time—first from Daniel Elkins to John Winchester to Bella to the Winchesters then to Crowley and back to the Winchesters—and probably some other exchanges, but those are the main characters who have The Colt. As of now, where is this gun that can kill anything, save for the notorious "five creatures" Lucifer mentioned at the beginning of Season Five? You'd think this gun would come in handy when it came to the later battles in the seasons involving many big bad monster bosses.

7. What's happened to Krissy and her friends?

Look at Krissy Chambers—she's so freaking cute and cool. She's one of the teen hunters we know about—some of the later ones being Claire Novak, who we are introduced to in Season 10. But this gal from Season Eight, and all her friends—how are they doing? Are they alive? Are they okay? They were such nice people and such good kids. The group of those kid hunters haven't gotten trapped and killed somewhere, right? We know too many hunters who met their ends way too violently—please? Tell me they're okay. Bring them back into Dean and Sam's lives, even if just for one freaking episode!

She made many appearances in Season Eight, so why not bring her back in for a neat filler episode that would both satisfy a Monster Of The Week episode and many an audience member?

8. Is Garth okay?

We first met this eccentric and lovable hunter in Season Six, and he continued making appearances until Season Nine—where it was revealed he got into an accident and got turned into a werewolf, something he was used to hunting.

When Sam and Dean met him again, he was living in a pacifist group of werewolves (or "lycanthropes," as Garth and his family members liked to call themselves), trying to lay low and remain assimilated and undisturbed in society. They were doing well, for the most part—until a faction of their group went violent and rogue. It was fortunate for them the Winchesters were there to help find and stop them before hunters who hadn't known Garth for who he was got involved and just purged all of them without thinking again.

Or has that happened already, and we don't know about it since the writers haven't told us? Are Garth and his family members okay? He found love. A home. Happiness. Things a hunter would normally wistfully dream about it whenever they allowed themselves a bit of depression with their alcohol. He deserves this, even if it's as a lycanthrope. I'm hoping the writers can allow Garth to live peacefully and joyfully, for he's earned it.

9. What happened to the Four Horsemen's rings?

As far as we know, Death had the last ring, always—he'd only ever lended it to Dean on a couple occasions. But War, Pestilence, and Famine? Those apocalyptic horsemen had their fingers cut off by the Winchesters forcefully around the end of Season Five.They became the key to The Cage, and after that—

well, Dean was the last person to touch them, so he probably still has them, right?

I mean, where else would they go? They're powerful supernatural artifacts. It'd be foolish to just leave them lying around, and they wouldn't be easy to destroy. Why wouldn't Dean Winchester want to keep tabs on them? Really, where the heck are these rings now? They could've been useful, even if Dean didn't think they'd ever open up The Cage again. Similarly, why not snatch Death's ring off the floor after killing him? C'mon, looting is basic in surviving in any situation! You should know this. Don't leave stuff like that MIA and up for grabs by anyone.

10. How was contacting Lucifer in The Cage so easy when The Darkness rose?

Let's see. In Season Four, it took 66 seals to open up, the last one being the death of a unique, one-presence-only demon called Lilith's death. In Season Five, the backdoor involved collecting the Four Horsemen's rings and using a spell to open up the door. In Season Six, Death himself went down to The Cage to pick up Sam's soul. (Castiel could only succeed in dragging out Sam's body at the end of Season Five, being too weak to stay long in The Cage to grab his soul and make it back out.) And in Season 11, Rowena casts a spell, Crowley strolls down through his kingdom with the Winchesters to get to something that looks like The Cage—Huh?

Granted, that doesn't actually appear to be The Cage. There's no endless darkness and horror. No Michael (or Adam) to be seen, even if Lucifer acknowledges their existence in The Cage with him. Furthermore, it seems he can be banished and called forth in this little section or visiting lobby of The Cage somewhere in Hell. Okay, so this isn't the actual Cage. But somehow, Lucifer can be called to this little special section with a little magic and some warding? I guess you can say the writers just wanted to make this quick and easy, but still. C'mon! There were more sensible ways of getting Lucifer out. Riskier, too, which ups the stakes and tension in conflict!

11. Where do monsters killed in Purgatory go?

We learn that monsters like vampires, werewolves, and Leviathan, when killed, go to Purgatory. Where they can be killed again, apparently. So what happens after that? They just disappear forever? Do they respawn somewhere else in the endless expanse of Purgatory? Are their souls finally "purged" and do they go to Hell or Heaven depending on how they were as a human? Do they get another chance at human life on Earth? We just don't know.

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