100 Things 16 Year Olds Should Be Told
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100 Things 16 Year Olds Should Be Told

I've come a long way since driving back and forth on the same street for hours on end.

100 Things 16 Year Olds Should Be Told
Mollie Bachmann

16 is one of the greatest feelings in the whole world. There is nothing like the first time you get in your beat-up, rust bucket, first love of a car, crank up the volume, and slightly speed to school. It's like anything could happen and you would literally still be SO HAPPY. This is one moment that will forever stick with me, especially since I left my lights on in the school parking lot and had to have a stranger jump start my vehicle after school because I had no idea that you can't do that. As it turned out, I actually didn't know everything, And not just about cars, but about life. Here are a few tips for all you brand new, bright-eyed 16 year olds:

1. Don't hold onto what people say about you

2. You are not who you are going to be.

3. Not even close.

4. Not even a little bit close.

5. Smile at strangers.

6. It's okay to feel angry, sad, whatever.

7. It's not okay to express those emotions in negative ways.

8. Ask yourself how often he makes you cry.

9. Intense emotion does not always equal love.

10. If we're being honest, he probably sucks.

11. If he doesn't completely suck, he could still probably use some pointers.

12. He isn't as good as he is going to be one day.

13. Why not wait for him to be that good?

14. Friendship should be fun and relaxing.

15. If a friendship is high maintenance, makes you feel bad about yourself, or stresses you out, then it isn't a friendship; it's a job.

16. You do not have to keep in constant contact with your friends everyday.

17. Friendships should be able to pick up where they left off, even if it's been a little while.

18. With that being said, do things for your good friends that make them feel loved and appreciated.

19. You have to sleep.

20. Love your soul.

21. If you don't love your soul, ask yourself why.

22. Try being more kind. This will help you love your soul.

23. Love your body.

24. Sex is not love, but it is the most intimate act you can perform with another human.

25. It will be really hard to go to college with a baby.

26. Don't have sex with anyone who would make a crappy father, and be honest with yourself about who would make a crappy father.

27. He'd probably also make a crappy co-parent.

28. Think about it.

29. I'm serious.

30. Call your grandma.

31. Making your bed actually is a waste of time, but making your mother happy is not.

32. You are not as ugly as you think.

33. Save some money every week. Even $5 will do.

34. Music can make a bad day better.

35. Don't cuss in front of other people. Find more intellectual words to use.

36. a little class can go a long way.

37. Being a "good girl" is not boring. It's okay to let people wonder about you.

38. If you don't like beer, don't drink beer.

39. Nothing good happens when a crowd of underdeveloped human beings are drunk in a small space.

40. Stop speeding.

41. Sex doesn't take talent, nor is it impressive. Stop bragging about how many barely post pubescent boys you can allure.

42. Education is the one thing no one can ever take away from you. Get as much of it as it is possible for you to get.

43. Don't dumb yourself down.

44. Don't engage in physical fighting. Refer to 35.

45. If you feel like you have a decent young boyfriend, its okay to enjoy him. However, understand that you are both still growing and that you will likely enjoy another man and woman one day.

46. Broken hearts are one of the worst parts of life. Have patience. Feel it. Give yourself time; that's all that will heal it.

47. If you don't give yourself time, you will have a heck of a time trying to heal.

48. One day, you will tell that story to another broken-hearted teenager.

49. No one cares about your problems as much as you do. Don't forget to help others with theirs.

50. College is not an escape. It is actually very difficult to adjust to dorm life, harder curriculum, a new social scene, and being suddenly thrust into a new lifestyle.

51. Take college credit in before college, because you'd rather take English Composition and Advanced Organic Chemistry in high school. Trust.

52. Almost everyone in the entire world has experienced a break up, and look at them, living and stuff.

53. Be nice to the janitor.

54. Don't snark your teachers, boss, professors, or anyone else who controls your grades or money. It's dumb.

55. It's worth your time to learn how to type.

56. If you can't afford it, you don't deserve it.

57. Wear your seat belt, because those people didn't think they'd get in a car crash, either. Your mom would be sad.

58. Laugh at yourself.

59. Do you actually hate that girl, or do you hate her because your peers hate her? Why do they hate her?

60. Smoking won't calm you down. It will make you develop an addiction to something that essentially kills people, which should stress you out more.

61. Don't smoke.

62. Ever.

63. If he cheated on you, something is very, very, wrong.

64. People don't cheat on accident.

65. Always assume you have bad breath.

66. Take more pictures.

67. Read books.

68. Be friends with your siblings.

69. Family doesn't strictly include blood, but blood is important.

70. This is not the best time of your life, but it is unique and is meant to have innocent, enjoyable moments that you will remember all your life.

71. Question things. Never go into anything blindly.

72. If you suspect that someone isn't treating you properly, question it, whether it's a teacher, parent, friend, significant other, etc.

73. Old people give you advice because they've experienced more life than you.

74. Everyone is fighting some sort of battle.

75. It is rare that anyone wakes up in the morning and thinks, "How can I target (insert name here) today for no reason?" There is more to this person than you think.

76. Pay attention to your facial expressions. RBF is real and it is unappealing.

77. Sometimes you're emotional just because you are 16.

78. Your word is important.

79. Learn how to talk to new people, if you don't you will be lonely after graduation.

80. Be smart about who you confide in.

81. Letting go is quite different than giving up.

82. Everything is temporary, except death.

83. Join clubs in high school. If nothing else it's something to put on a resume.

84. There is always an option other than getting in a car with a drunk person.

85. Keeping alcohol in your car is dumb.

86. Eat the darn pizza.

87. If you got your boyfriend by "stealing" him, chances are another girl will steal him too.

88. You don't have to have an opinion on everything.

89. Listen once in a while.

90. You don't have to do something every weekend.

91. Looking nice feels nice.

92. If you're already late, go get breakfast.

93. Only park in the senior parking lot if you are a senior.

94. Say "Hi" to more people.

95. Give your old clothes to charity.

96. Volunteer to help people who can't help themselves.

97. Smile; you don't own all the problems in the world.

98. The only people who admire cleavage are boys, and it's not because they think you'd make a good wife/ girlfriend.

99. You need help sometimes.

100. You are actually super duper young.

I've come a long way since driving back and forth on the same street for hours on end. Now, I'm just a know-it-all, totally mature, nearly 21-year old trying not to lose my metabolism and winging things that should definitely not be wung. However, I know a thing or two about the next five years of your life, so if you actually read all of that, at least don't smoke.

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