10 Thoughts That Anyone Going Abroad Is Thinking
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10 Thoughts That Anyone Going Abroad Is Thinking

With our departure soon approaching, I am sure that some thoughts have crossed your mind throughout this process.

10 Thoughts That Anyone  Going Abroad Is Thinking

1. When will this pre-departure checklist end?!
Deciding to study abroad is the easiest part, but brace yourself for the never ending pre-departure list that is coming your way. It all starts on deciding where exactly you want to go. Do you want to live in Spain or Australia for six months? Talk about a rough life. Then comes the application process, which may seem stressful at first but once you are accepted you get a lovely list of countless orientations, documents and workshops that you must complete by a certain date. I’ll be honest, after hiking across campus in this 10 degree weather just to get a signature on a piece of paper definitely tested my determination to go abroad. 

2. Will I like my home-stay family? 
It’s like freshman year all over again; will you like the person you are assigned to live with? Yes, there are housing surveys but you won’t fully be rest assured until you walk into a random family’s home with all your bags and become their new house-guest. On the plus side, you will get some out-of-this-world home cooked meals.

3. Will I make any friends?
Many of you who are going abroad may have at least one person you know in your program but there are others (like me) who are going solo and are banking on their social skills to help them get new friends. If you are going alone just remember, you are all on the same boat. Your entire program is living in a new country and exploring an unfamiliar environment, making friends will be the easiest thing. You will travel the world with these people and build friendships that are different than any you’ve already made. 

4. I hope I don’t get lost
As much as we don’t want to seem like a “tourist” we are all going to have a map or some form of navigation on us when going abroad. Getting lost in a different country does not sound like fun, but hey, make sure to have your camera handy to take pictures because I’m sure you will pass by some historical monuments or even grab an authentic cannoli (which obviously needs to be instagrammed ASAP).

5. I hope there isn’t a reenactment of "Taken"
If I had a dollar for every time someone told me, “Don’t watch the movie 'Taken' before you leave,” I could probably have enough money to pay for my entire trip. We get it, we can get kidnapped, but I’m sure there is top-notch government spy waiting to save us (wishful thinking). With all this talk about "Taken" it's only natural for us to get a little scared. 

6. Will I get homesick?
Getting homesick while at college can get tough but you can easily go home for the weekend or call/text your family with the touch of a button. Getting homesick halfway around the world isn’t as easy. Going home for the weekend is out of the question, unless your dad is Bill Gates and willing to dish out $4,000 just so you can be home for the day. It is inevitable that we will get home sick from time to time but I’m sure that weekend trip to Paris or Greece will make you forget all about it! 

7. Will I meet a Paolo? (Foreign romance)
I don’t care if you are a guy or girl, we have all seen or at least heard of the ever-so-famous "Lizzie McGuire Movie." Call me crazy, but deep down I secretly hope to meet a gorgeous man who will give me a ride on his scooter as we head to our candle light dinner by the Eiffel Tower. Is that too much to ask for? 

8. FOMO/will people forget me at home? 
With fall semester soon ending people are starting to talk about spring semester. Hearing all the exchange themes and spring break plans of your friends you can’t help but get a little FOMO (aka-fear of missing out). 

9. I have no idea what to expect and that’s what makes it exciting
Initially when you tell people that you are studying abroad it is very likely that their response will go along the lines of, “YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN.” After hearing their excitement you can’t help but feed off of it and get eager about your trip. You are only going off what other people are telling you and it all sounds so surreal. 

10. How am I suppose to fit my life for five months into one big suitcase?! 
I am a pro when it comes to over packing (what a surprise), and I know I’m not the only one — am I right ladies? With that being said, how on earth am I suppose to pack five months worth of clothes and products into one big suitcase?! Not to mention the fact that you still need to leave some space in your suitcase for all the souvenirs you accumulate as you travel across the world.

For those of you going abroad, these thoughts and concerns will be completely forgotten the second you step off of your plane and walk the streets of a new beautiful country that you get to call home. We don’t know what will happen in the next five months, but I can guarantee you that it will be the most life changing experience filled with unforgettable memories, so get ready and let the count down begin!

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