10 Summer Date Activities In Kansas City
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10 Summer Date Activities In Kansas City

Coming up with dates can be hard, so here are some ideas.

10 Summer Date Activities In Kansas City
Lincoln Diocese

Summer time brings some free time that is hard to find during the school year. You're finally able to take time for your girlfriend/boyfriends. Here are some ideas for those date night woes:

1. Dinner night

If there is a place that both of you have been talking about wanting to try, now is your chance. Go try something new, go to somewhere that you have not gone to in a while or go to both of your favorite places to eat. If you are game to go eat at new places you can try Big Bowl Pho, which is a Chinese place that serves pho, a noodley soup.

2. Bowling

Bowling can be fun even, if you aren't that good at it. Going out and just having a laugh is the purpose of date night. A place that my friends and I have gone bowling is Retro Bowl in Liberty. This place is so much fun. They play music videos while you are bowling and have black lights on at night.

3. Paradise Park

If you enjoy adventure or just having fun, visit Paradise Park. Take cute pictures while mini golfing, feed your competitive side with bumper cars or show off your strength on the rock climbing wall. This is a great first date idea because it provides multiple options for one affordable price!

4. Stargazing

If you do not want to spend money, but still want to go out and have some alone time, go star gazing. You can just go out at night and lay in the back of the truck or take a blanket to look at the stars. When going stargazing, just find a place outside of the city with a clear view of the sky. Learn some constellations beforehand for some serious brownie points! Loose Park's Rose Gardens is a romantic spot to lay a blanket out. Pack dessert and some wine for optimal romance!

5. "Pokemon Go"

If both of you are trainers and want a cheap date night, go play "Pokemon Go" together. You both can bond over something that you love while getting some exercise! What better way to catch them all than with your love?

6. Video game night

If you are a couple that loves to play video games, do that for a night. Get your favorite games and make a rule that you both play until you die completely. You can make it even more fun by picking the games at random. If there is a game that you both love, put it in the pile for selection. By the end, you might find some games you didn't know you both enjoyed. You can go to a local GameStop to find video games if you do not have that many.

7. Stay at home night

Another idea for a cheap date. Make a rule that bans phones for the night. You can make dinner together at home and watch some movies. If there are some new movies that you have both been wanting to watch, go to your closest McDonald's and rent a Redbox movie for $1! Play board games, start a poker tournament or break out that Twister mat. Just enjoy each other's unplugged company.

8. Movies night

Sometimes, the movie you've been dying to see is brand new, not yet out on Redbox. For that, there are movie theaters. Movies can always make for a fun night. Make it exciting by picking one out of a hat to watch. If you want to make the night more fun, go to dinner before the movie (The Bell is a great restaurant right on Liberty's square). A place that my friends and I enjoy going to watch movies is the B&B Theaters.

9. Picnic

Picnics can also be a bunch of fun. Perhaps you have a "spot" significant to your relationship, or you can go out and find a spot that you know the other person will love. Check out the Shoal Creak Living History Museum for a free, beautiful and educational location. Enjoy a meal that you both enjoy. You can cook or order carry-out, just keep in mind food allergies to avoid any hospital trips!

10. Trail walking/ exploring

If you enjoy nature, then this is the date for you. When going out on a trail walk, you can discover new places that you never knew existed. This can also give you time to talk to your loved one. Turn your phones off for a quite unplugged adventure or bring them fully charged for a game of "Pokemon Go." Do some research to find the trails that work best for you! Amity Woods Nature Park provides a half mile paved trail to provide a compromise for the couples comprised of urban and rural dwellers.

These are just a few ideas that you can do for date night. These don't have to be isolated as summer activities, they can work anytime of the year, too. Just make sure to take time and figure out what would be fun for both of you, not just one of you. You can take a bunch of pictures for memories later on.

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