10 Reasons Why My Sister Is Better Than Yours
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10 Reasons Why My Sister Is Better Than Yours

And no, this is not a competition.

10 Reasons Why My Sister Is Better Than Yours

Everyone has that one person in their life who keeps them grounded and makes them feel loved. You know, that sometimes annoying younger or older person you may refer to as your sister. My sister is younger and has been there for me in the most important moments of my life even if I didn’t ask her to be. There are many things I expected from the relationship with my sister, but the moments and lessons have far exceeded all of my expectations. Take a look:

10. I can cry out in an incoherent, blubbering mess and she understands me

There have been many times in life where I have felt crushed under the weight of the world. Whether she understood or not, my sister was always there for me to cry and drool on. More than a human napkin, she actually listens and always takes my side with no questions asked. If I am feeling like a lone soldier with the world against me, I know I can count on her to always have my back.

9. Our age gap has never held us back

Being nine years older than her has never caused any problems in our relationship. As they say, "age ain't nothing but a number" and we have proven this theory to be true many times. From our photo sessions with disposable cameras, "Degrassi" marathons in our room, watching "Joy Ride" repeatedly and taking a day trip to New York City, we have never had problems with being younger or older to match the others' mentality for a few moments of fun.

8. We are on the same level of crazy

Seriously, no one in the world gets me like my sister. Either one of us could be completely out of line in our thought processes, speaking in weird code or crying over the most ridiculous things. Do you ever wonder why someone cries when they ask if you are all right? Well, neither of us have the answer, but we both have the crying part mastered. How about talking a whole bunch of nonsense with hands waving all over the place? We do that one too. We are both irrational, moody and perfectly imperfect and these are the traits we value most in each other.

7. We never want each other's advice, so it has to be a real bad situation if we ask each other for help

Neither of us are strangers to doing something we shouldn’t do, and for the most part we keep that stuff to ourselves. However, when it comes to the everyday stresses of life, relationships or just reaching a breaking point—the real important stuff—I can always count on her to spare me 10 minutes of her day to vent. Talking and crying takes far too much energy, so we really try to keep these troubles to a minimum. But, I know she is always a drive away if I ever need her.

6. We share some hobbies, such as napping.

Quality time together is always so effortless, usually because we end up passing out. I could ask my sister to come watch a movie with me and not dread the company at all because I know it will be a low pressure environment. I never have to worry about what to say, or feel like I have to say anything, because the only noises coming from us will be the snores of a good old fashioned power nap.

5. We bond over our dislike of the general public

People skills really aren't our thing. We would much rather wear a scowl on our faces and have people think we suffer from resting b*tch face than strike up a friendly conversation. This saves us the headaches from dealing with people and situations that cause our twin-like migraines. People give us headaches, which in turn makes us take a nap, so it's all relative—literally. I am more than thankful to have a sister who suffers through this trouble with me.

4. She's the only one who can call me names and get away with it

Coming up with endless variations of using the word douche has used up too much of our time. She calls me douche this, I call her douche that, and that’s just the way it is. No one in this world could ever get away with calling me this outdated and overused term except for her. Truth be told, I'd miss it if it ever ended.

3. Our friends are an extension of our family

Our closest friends have been with us for many years. These friends have grown, not only with us, but within our whole family. Unfortunately for me, this meant that I had to sometimes put up with two or more of her. Our friendships have turned into one big melting pot of sisterly love and the bonds we have all made, and some broken, have only brought us closer together.

2. We can tell it how it is

We used to fight as kids because she always wanted to be just like me. I used to get especially angry because our parents supported this bad habit of her copying me. As we get older, our fights have grown few and far between, however we have no problem handling things like adults—over text messaging. That's right, we have never actually had a screaming match. We can put each other in our places with meticulous use of straight to the points sentences—with barely a curse word on my part. We are both really good at blowing off the steam then letting it go—no grudge matches here. Even though a good fight can be healthy from time to time, I am proud to say that is not the case for us.

1. She made my dream come true

From the moment my brother was born, when I was 4 to be exact, I longed for a younger sister. I tried to remedy this by dressing my brother in my doll clothes—sorry bro—but it got old after awhile. After five years of hoping and wishing, my dad told me I was going to have a baby sister. This was the first greatest moment of my life, that I can remember. Growing with you has been one of the best and worst experiences of my life, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world.

If you don’t have a sister to experience and share these precious moments and habits with, then I suggest you start asking for one. If you do have one, and your relationship has been distant, then find some things that bring you together and start building on them. My sister has set the bar high—but that just means you and yours have a lot more fun to be had.

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