10 Overlooked Dorm Room Must-Haves
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Student Life

10 Overlooked Dorm Room Must-Haves

You may not survive without it.

10 Overlooked Dorm Room Must-Haves

It is that time of year. Target and Walmart are packed with new and returning college students trying to buy everything for their dorm room. Students consult a multitude of lists and peers to gather all they think they'll need for the coming year. Packing for college is harder and easier than some might think. It is easy to remember the basic room or school things you need but not so easy to remember the random "living" stuff needed. After packing for my freshman year once and repacking for my second year, I have almost perfected my packing lists. Through the trials and errors, I have pinpointed some of my favorite and irreplaceable items for my dorm. Hopefully list compilation will help your move-in experience go smoothly!

1. Bedside Caddy

Unless you have spend a ridiculous amount of time browsing Target, reading articles and scanning Pinterest, chances are you haven't considered this as a necessary purchase. This is one of the best purchases to make. If you have a lofted bed, you can easily slip your tablet or phone into this pocket if you don't want to get down. Even if your bed is lower to the ground, this is a great way to have some extra storage.

2. Collapsable Chair

If you ask anyone about my room last year, they will probably mention my bungee chair. It was the highlight of my room for several reasons. First, it could fold and be hidden behind something, taking up no room. Second, it was comfy. Last, it added seating in my room for when people came to hang out. Whether it be a bungee chair or just any other collapsable chair, it's a good investment.

3. Ottoman

I would give up my Starbucks gold card, which is actual gold to me, for another one of these. Not only does it give me additional storage without being bulky, it was a stool! Being five foot and having a semi lofted bed, this ottoman made getting in and out of bed so much easier. I would highly, highly recommend a storage ottoman.

4. Alternate Lighting

String lights may seem a little too feminine for some, but they actually enhance the atmosphere and warmth of your room. Plus, I knew some guys last year who got the blinking, colored ones to spunk things up, so it doesn't have to be frilly. If those aren't your style, go for some lamps just to eliminate the use of fluorescent lighting.

5. Body Pillow

There are a million body pillows out there, some featuring half naked men, some not. Regardless, they are wonderful. You don't need to use them as a substitute for a cuddle buddy only, but if that is what you need, you are set. They also are just great to have as a barrier between the wall and your head. They're so versatile!

6. Long Phone Charger

You never know when you're going to need a charger that reaches across the room. While studying, the plug may be too far away. Get a long charger to stretch all the way from your library table to the random plug in Timbuktu.

7. Speaker

Impromptu dance parties are more than often for me, so I always needed my speaker on hand. It is good for amping up the mood or amplifying a rom com for movie night. If you have lived in a hole and don't have one, hit up Amazon ASAP!

8. Over the Door Hook

Storage is tough to get in a 150 or less square foot dorm, so take what you can get. This hook can go over your dorm door or the door of a wardrobe. Either way, you will end up with a good place to hang jackets, scarves, and hats.

9. White Board

Look at how happy this random girl is because of her dorm room white board! I know. It's cheesy and slightly cliche but also awesome! My white board last year brought so many fond memories. Each morning I used to wake up to strange pickup lines or funny drawings. My entire floor would bond over how to surprise me and my roommate.

10. Towel Wrap

This might be the best thing ever invented. It changed my life. I lived in a coed dorm on a coed floor, hall style, and on the boys' side. I needed to feel comfortable walking to the bathroom when I showered. Not once did I worry if this would drop while I journeyed there. Additionally, I could dry my hair and change clothes without it falling down and scaring my roommate. Best buy ever!

This list is by all means not complete, but it is some of the best items I use both at school and at home. I truly suggest looking into getting these things for dorm living. I hope that they aid in making your college experience as fabulous as mine has been!

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