There are many types of camps you could work for, but the perks are the same. You gain experiences that benefit you in the future, and the friendships you gain are strong. As a counselor or wrangler, you develop bonds with the kids who look up to you almost like a celebrity. I found that camp was a place for me to discover what I really wanted to do with my life. For me, camp was a place that finalized what I wanted to study at college, and it can do the same for you. If you want to work with kids in the education field, work at a camp and see if it's really for you.
Camp is more than just camp. It's a summer filled with adventures, memories, and campfire craziness that nothing can replace. Another great thing is that campers send you mail after their week at camp is up, and the letters are just so touching and heart-warming to read. Down below are some benefits that you can receive if you work at a camp one summer in your lifetime.
1. You Gain a Connection to Nature
We live out in the woods where the deer just casually stroll past the biffy and the occasional bear cub runs across the path. But more importantly, you get to see the amazing universe at night. I mean, nothing beats shooting stars, part of the milky way, and the bazillions of stars.
2. You Become a Role Model for Other Campers
When you're at closing campfire and you have campers crying on your shoulder, you know you made an impact on their lives. I've had campers say "I'll never forget you" and it really touched my heart. We worked with our high school group, and they volunteered to help us with pony rides.
3. If You Work With Horses, You're Basically a Celebrity
The kids don't care about your name. Well, maybe a little bit. But the minute you tell them what you do at camp, you will be called no matter by what kid to sit with them at their table at meals. Trust me, I know.
4. You Create Great Friendships with the Other Staff
From my personal experience of working at a summer camp this past summer, I have made so many friends from camp. I still talk to a bunch of them and visit some when I can. I also go to the same college as some of the camp staff, which is awesome.
5. Crazy Adventures
When you work as a wrangler, you're pretty far from where campers and their counselors sleep. And when you have gnome homes, you get ideas to grab a bunch gnomes and put them either in front of camp entrances or right in front of their sleeping bags. We wranglers are mischievous.
6. Those Dairy Queen Runs
You know when you have a night off of counselor duty you must to go get a Jurassic World Blizzard.
7. You Learn Some Awesome New Recipes
Pizza quesadillas and smackos (smores in a tortilla) make awesome college food when you have a study cram session. They are super easy to make, and a quick clean up after. I never ate such awesome food than I did at camp, it was honestly better than college food. And sometimes at the end of the week, we even had a themed dinner.
8. You Come Up With Funny Hashtags and Jokes
What's a pile of kittens? A meowtain! Oh and the beloved #meatsweats. I am sure every squad has those weird group hashtags or jokes that they say when they're all hanging out together.
If there is one thing you take out of this article, it's that you really should work at camp at least once in your life. It's a fun and memorable experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life. You'll definitely be humming those funny camp songs when you do chores. The kids will mold you into a fabulous role model and be the light of your day because of the admiration that they have for you.