For centuries all over the world, whenever the 13th date of a month falls on a Friday, it is considered extremely unlucky. There is no confirmed origin or history of the fear that comes with Friday the 13th, but that has not stopped the many superstitions that follow this night.
The number 13 itself is often considered unlucky. According to, the number 13 has always had a negative connotation, and it is believed that anywhere the number is used is considered bad luck.
The majority of superstitions in relation to Friday the 13th usually exist around the number 13, but is considered heightened on this unlucky day. Since this Friday just happens to fall on the 13th, here are some of the most widely accepted superstitions surrounding Friday the 13th.
1. Hotels and the 13th floor
Many hotels and even some office buildings all over the world block off the 13th level of their building because it is considered to hold evil. When I was in China a few years ago, I learned that on Friday the 13th, hotels become even more wary of the floor, and consider it the time for spirits and ghosts to be wandering the floor.
2. Traveling on Friday the 13th
This is a fairly widely accepted superstition. It is believed that traveling on Friday the 13th means that your trip will likely not be a success, and mishaps and disaster will follow you on your journey.
3. Staying indoors
It is often recommended to stay indoors on the night of Friday the 13th. Rumors have been circulating about this superstition for centuries. It used to be a common belief that on Friday the 13th, evil would be circling our world. As a result, people would stay indoors and keep doors and windows locked to keep the evil presence out of their lives and homes.
4. Social gatherings
This does not necessarily apply to only Friday the 13th, but like the other superstitions, bad luck is supposedly increased on Friday the 13th. It is said that the perfect number of people for small social gatherings is 12. Increasing that number to 13 is considered bad luck for the night and all the people attending.
5. Mirrors
Mirror's tend to have their own connotation of bad luck. It is believed that breaking a mirror or having one fall and shatter means that you will have seven years of bad luck. It is also believed that in times of death or when hard times fall on a home, mirrors should be covered up. This is because it is believed that evil spirits can live in a reflection. On Friday the 13th, it is said that we should not look in any mirrors. There are several reasons for this. One is that the mirror could show us our own death, and another is that evil can affect us through a mirror.
Whether or not you believe in the superstitions that follow the infamous Friday the 13th, we all have to admit that they at least cross our minds with the strong hold they have. So this Friday the 13th, be safe and try not to let any evil spirits in!