I used to be just like you, happy and full of hope...then I started working retail. After a year and a half of working retail I can swear that I've seen it all when it comes to crazy customers, but I see something new every day. Here's a few things I definitely don't get paid enough to deal with:
1. When a customer walks in at 9:58:
2. "Where's the bathroom?":
Did it ever occur to you that it's probably the door that has the huge sign above it on the ceiling that says "RESTROOMS"
3. "No price tag.. Oh, it must be free!":
Ohh, HAHAHAHA good one, that's only the 86th time I've heard that...today.
4. When a customer says "I'm NEVER coming back":
5. When a customer blows a bunch of money on Friday then returns it all on Monday morning:
6. "Do you guys have this in the back?":
The back room isn't some magical place where we keep every style, size, and color of every item you have. Even if it is in the back, chances are I won't be able to find it.
7. When you greet a customer who already has an attitude:
Can't even say "hello" without getting yelled at around here.
8. Hearing the store playlist:
9. "This is cheaper at another store":
OK, Go buy it there then?
10. Complaining to co-workers like:
11. Asking (begging) a co-worker to take your shift:
12. Telling a customer their card is declined:
This is something that is completely out of my control, however, I almost ALWAYS get yelled at for it. Like, sorry no matter how many times you swipe that card there will not be sufficient funds in your account to cover this transaction. Any other forms of payment?
13. If a customer is on their phone during a transaction:
Hey, sorry don't know if you see me here. I'm trying to help you, hand me your credit card or something
14. Getting called by your name:
Everyday I have customers call me by my first name when they see my name tag and it always catches me off guard.
15. When a customer pulls money out of her bra:
There should be a law against this. I dont think boob money is sanitary.
16. "There's a stain.. I need a mark down"
17. The customer is NOT always right:
I'm pretty sure a customer came up with this one. But let's just say I've been working here awhile, I'm pretty sure I know more than you, ma'am.
18. That fake smile and laugh we've all mastered:
Truth is, if you're a bad customer you probably won't even know it, it is our job after all to be nice to you and make sure you have a great shopping trip. But chances are, we're making fun of you in the break room because that's just how we get through our shifts.
I've seen it all, I've endured Black Friday, Christmas Eve, and every other day of the year that customers act like complete a-holes just to save a few dollars. Working retail has made me developed a cynical attitude and my hope for humanity is completely drained.