Cross country is one of the toughest sports out there. XC runners go on without a timeout, or a halftime, in weather that's either snowing or scorching hot; there's usually no in between. Overall, most people can't do this sport because it's mentally and physically too intense, but for those who can, these are the feelings that we all experience at one point in time.
1. Your blisters will have blisters
This is true.
2. The best feeling in the world is finishing a race, and finishing it strong
Especially when it was a good race, and you just set a personal record
3. Going to the running store to get new shoes and ending up with half the store in your hands is a real problem
"Look at that new tank top, and those shorts would look so good with it. Those socks are the perfect match"
4. Pasta nights with the team are everything
Whether it was somebody's house or taking up all the room at the local Noodles down the street
5. You can eat your way through anything
"I ate more fettuccine and drank less water than I have in my entire life"- Micheal Scott
6. It's a good race when you finish with some nice vomit
You know you gave it you're "all" when you can see all of your breakfast after a race
7. Running in the rain makes you feel hardcore
It also makes you feel like you're in a Nike commercial
8. When you get bored you can always look at the beautiful scenery
Because sometimes the trails really are a sight to see
9. Passing someone makes you feel like a million bucks
For those few miles, as you're running you feel completely unstoppable.
10. Sometimes, when you got to go, you got to go.
Sometimes those long runs might hit you, and you need to free yourself
11. Superstitions are way too real for us
Whether it's wearing a lucky headband or the team huddle right before the race starts
12. We like pain
There's a saying in this sport that "Our sport is your sports punishment"
13. Keeping traditions alive are a must
Covering the coaches house in toilet paper at the end of every banquet is a long standing tradition
14. You can't explain to your friends why you like it without sounding crazy
"I just felt like running"
15. The "runners high" is a very real thing
Out of nowhere, you'll feel this burst of energy that you thought you never had, and next thing you know the race is over.