When you attend a small liberal arts university in the middle of nowhere, there are always things about it that make it unique and make the students proud to attend. I can definitely say there are a few things I've picked up on since I have started school at WCU. As a Senior, I've made up a pretty good list, so let me tell you a few things that might mean you attend Western Carolina.
1. Parking is scarce.
Oh my Lawd, the parking. If you attend Western Carolina, you know that finding a parking spot is about the equivalent of finding Channing Tatum in the café...not gonna happen, homie. If there is the rare occurrence that you do find a spot during the day, you feel like you conquer the world.
2. The Cat Tran is probably not the best way to get to class.
When I first got to Western, I thought the Cat Tran could possibly be a good idea. My, was I wrong. Firstly, they are never on time. You could walk way faster to the other side of campus than ride the kitty cat tran. Plus, if you have ridden it late at night, you know it has some of the most interesting people on it. The drivers are insanely nice though, and always seem to make your day. Just beware of the passengers and long wait time.
3. There is nothing "express" about the village express.
Really though. No better time for a Spongebob reference.
4. When you're trying to leave Tucks but you're too turnt.
5. You've been warned at least a million times not to walk underneath the clock tower in fear of not graduating on time.
6. You have probably had at least one ratchet night here...
7. It isn't out of the ordinary to see Enos randomly hanging all around campus. #mountainlyfe
8. You have probably more than likely posted a picture like this for the 'Gram.
9. The horror of when you have to have one of these.
10. If you are a health related major and you feel like you live at the HHS building.
11. You get super confused when you see Appalachian Stickers on people's cars on campus.
12. No matter how good or bad our teams plays in a season, we take Catamount athletics very seriously. And not to mention our Chancellor > yours.
13. Pedestrians are basically asking you to pay their Tuition.
Girl, this ain't Frogger.