10 Signs You're From Parkersburg | The Odyssey Online
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10 Signs You're From Parkersburg

The greatest place to call home.

10 Signs You're From Parkersburg

To some, Parkersburg is just another West Virginia city. To others, it is what we call home. Parkersburg is a river town, full of history and lots of memories. Here are some signs you call Parkersburg home.

1. You or someone you know owns a river lot.

Living near the Little Kanawha and the Ohio River means that river lots are very common in Parkersburg. A good amount of people spend their summers out on the river, fishing or hanging out with family and friends at a river lot.

2. High school rivalries are kind of a big deal.

Parkersburg or Parkersburg South? This rivalry is one of the biggest around. High school rivalries are taken pretty seriously in Parkersburg. Personally, I am a North End girl, so beating South my senior year by a field goal was one of the greatest memories of my high school career.

3. Pizza Place pizza is one of your favorites.

The best pizza I have ever had comes from this awesome place that can only be found in the Mid Ohio Valley.

4. You have enjoyed the view at Fort Boreman.

One of the prettiest views in town that overlooks like city of Parkersburg and the Ohio river. It is a common hang out and is full of history.

5. You have complained about Ohio Drivers.

Considering the fact that Parkersburg is located across a bridge from Ohio, the Parkersburg area is full of Ohio drivers. For whatever reason, us West Virginia drivers complain about Ohio drivers and Ohio drivers complain about us.

6. The Blennerhassett reminds you of home.

Blennerhassett Island, the Mansion and the hotel are just a few of Parkersburg's historical landmarks. Field trips to the Island and looking at the Christmas Trees in the hotel are a few things that are done to be reminded of Parkersburg's history.

7. You have been to some kind of homecoming event.

The parade, the carnival and fireworks by the river are just a few of the things that happen during this weekend in August. Homecoming weekend is a pretty exciting event in Parkersburg and downtown is always full when the events take place.

8. JR's Donut Castle is one of the best things about town.

Nothing is better than than stopping by JR's for a dozen donuts, a brownie or a pack of pepperoni rolls. Nothing beats them.

9. You have stopped by Point Park.

What's a river town without a place to enjoy the river? Point Park is located in downtown Parkersburg and is the perfect place to enjoy the Ohio River.

10. Parkersburg is somewhere you will always call home.

Of course we complain about the traffic on Grand Central, the potholes around town or how all that seems to be built in town are gas stations, but this river town is our home. There is something about the view of town, the people you have grown up with that you see around and the sense of community that makes you feel so at home. Parkersburg, WV is one special place. It is full of history, friendship, family and long lasting memories that will never go away.

College has taken me away from Parkersburg, but I am so thankful to have grown up in such a great area. It is full of my family and friends and that makes it such a special place. Nothing is better than driving around town and thinking about all the memories I have made growing up here. Parkersburg is home and it always will be.

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